Interest in Columbus Meet?


Asian Law Student
Mazda Speed Protege #987
Hey guys, just curious if anyone would be interested in a columbus meet say in like 2-3 weeks. Maybe like a saturday night at quaker state and lube?

Just a suggestion.

Who all would be interested?

I'm in . Actually a couple of guys are meeting up to exchange hoods here in a little bit and we were talking about making that into a meet... I'll keep you posted.
Depending on the date. June is a rather hectic month for me...just a warning.
I'd love to...but I'm playing guitar for a wedding that day. If you guys do decide to have go with that date, I'll post it up on Cleveland 6 Club and The Mazda Forum and see how many people I can get for ya.
yeah i was planning a sat. night meet anyways. Like 7-8 pm.

Any one else care for Sat. June 14th? 8 Pm?
i mean there is no date that I am really planning on just whatever works best for everyone.

So, people who are interested, just put down a Sat. that will be good for you in june and then we will tally it up and see what is best.
I think I'm open on all weekends in June except for this weekend the 7th I'll be in Willmington N.C.

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