Huckabee to change constitution to meet gods standards


Sleeeepy P5

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Checks and balances exist for a reason. He'll have absolutely no shot of getting that done.
doesn't he know god is make-believe?

watch it man.
calling out peoples beliefs isnt cool

and yeah. he just pwned himself. theres no way hell get the majority of any vote. although im sure he won the southern evangelicals vote.
heeeeeel ya brother, the constitution is acutally bsaed on Biblcle standards anyway. "One Nation Under God" Thats the way it should be!! Freedom of religoun.. yes. But our country was built on Christian values, thats why we have prospered sooo much and the breakdown of the family and those core values is eating this country alive...
heeeeeel ya brother, the constitution is acutally bsaed on Biblcle standards anyway. "One Nation Under God" Thats the way it should be!! Freedom of religoun.. yes. But our country was built on Christian values, thats why we have prospered sooo much and the breakdown of the family and those core values is eating this country alive...

It's impacting spelling apparently too...
I'm pretty sure you believe that everyone in the south runs around barefoot wearing overalls too.....right? Why bring "the south" into this?

Politics on a car forum = hilarious.

watch it man.
calling out peoples beliefs isnt cool

and yeah. he just pwned himself. theres no way hell get the majority of any vote. although im sure he won the southern evangelicals vote.
im not saying I think religon should be law.. I juat saying the breakdown of standards, family values whatever sex oriet. you are.., just values and morality in general. Like when i'm in Dallas I hate the widespread "dry" areas if i want to stop at the convienent store and get a beer i should be able too!! but the far right make so many dry counties you have to drive 30 minutes just to by beer... bs. I am Christian and I think the country should be byassed to the bible is all i'm saying. When you go to a other religoun country its all about the religon of that country..
I don't want christians telling me how I have to live my life. What makes him think his religion is the right one that everyone should be forced by law to follow? Why now Hindu or Judaism, or one of the other 1000 correct religions?
There are other religions besides Christianity in this country.


Tailoring the core document of our legal structure to appease one narrow sect of religion is an asinine idea. The founding fathers put in the system of checks and balances to prevent lunatics like Huckabee from having the opportunity to adversely affect daily operations.
I don't want christians telling me how I have to live my life. What makes him think his religion is the right one that everyone should be forced by law to follow? Why now Hindu or Judaism, or one of the other 1000 correct religions?

if you go to suaidi Arabia you think they practice christianity... Your lucky to live in a free country. Christians are not telling you how to live your life they are excersising free speech, you don't have to listen...
heeeeeel ya brother, the constitution is acutally bsaed on Biblcle standards anyway. "One Nation Under God" Thats the way it should be!! Freedom of religoun.. yes. But our country was built on Christian values, thats why we have prospered sooo much and the breakdown of the family and those core values is eating this country alive...

Our country was not founded on Christianity.

It was founded in Deism, which had a LOOSE root in Christianity.

Go actually READ what our founding fathers wrote, respecting religion.

Jefferson didn't even think that Jesus was the son of God. He believed he was just the ideal/perfect human being.

I'd say, in 99.9999999% of Christians view, that he would be an atheist/heretic.

The point of America was that it was OKAY to think that parts of/the entirety of the commonly practiced faith are wrong, and it was okay to live by principles other than that.

America was founded on PHILOSOPHY, not on religion and specifically not on Christianity
One has to listen when these "Christians' hold high-ranking positions that involve our lawmaking process. Who do you suppose is responsible for banning gay marriage or creating legislation to take away rights according to sexual orientation....athiests?
if you go to suaidi Arabia you think they practice christianity... Your lucky to live in a free country. Christians are not telling you how to live your life they are excersising free speech, you don't have to listen...

If you are trying to make an argument, you'd have a better shot at people taking you seriously if you didn't have the proofreading skills of a third grader with a lawn dart sticking out of his brain.
if you go to suaidi Arabia you think they practice christianity... Your lucky to live in a free country. Christians are not telling you how to live your life they are excersising free speech, you don't have to listen...

Ya and Japan is full of evil people who will just kill you for no reason. How many christians there? Mostly Shinto and Buddhism.
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Our country was not founded on Christianity.

It was founded in Deism, which had a LOOSE root in Christianity.

Go actually READ what our founding fathers wrote, respecting religion.

Jefferson didn't even think that Jesus was the son of God. He believed he was just the ideal/perfect human being.

I'd say, in 99.9999999% of Christians view, that he would be an atheist/heretic.

The point of America was that it was OKAY to think that parts of/the entirety of the commonly practiced faith are wrong, and it was okay to live by principles other than that.

America was founded on PHILOSOPHY, not on religion and specifically not on Christianity

THAT IS SUCH bulls***!!!!! I have a degree in hisoty our founding fathers where true born again christians!!most atleast including George Whashington!!The constitution was based on bible values not philosophy that is a lie, that is your own philosophy!!