How to check endlinks?


Endlink replaced ---> clunking still there!

I replaced my fron struts a couple of months ago (they were blown) but have since have had a pretty strong clunk. Some other threads described the same problem and some checked/replaced the end links to resolve it

My question is how do I check to see if they are the problem? Would they just be loose to the touch? I'm pretty sure mine is pretty stiff and I'm getting this aweful clunk when going over bumps or as I hit the gas from a stop.
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grab them and tug. If there is play - they are bad. Were they replaced with the struts?
No, didn't replace them with struts. Car barely doesnt even have 60k miles. The one in question does have a tiny amount of play if I really tug at it on the bottom linkage. Such small play can be responsible for such a loud clunk?
Eitherway, its cheap and I'll be replacing it. Will report back.
No, didn't replace them with struts. Car barely doesnt even have 60k miles. The one in question does have a tiny amount of play if I really tug at it on the bottom linkage. Such small play can be responsible for such a loud clunk?
Eitherway, its cheap and I'll be replacing it. Will report back.

Surprisingly yes. If you look at something like the newer Town and Country vans and some that share the same style, you can't even move the sway bar the the frame bushings are bad in them and it clunks very loud.

Oh and check the mounting bolts on your strut to make sure it's still tight
No, didn't replace them with struts. Car barely doesnt even have 60k miles. The one in question does have a tiny amount of play if I really tug at it on the bottom linkage. Such small play can be responsible for such a loud clunk?
Eitherway, its cheap and I'll be replacing it. Will report back.

You've got to be the first person on this website who was able to get their old endlinks off when replacing their struts without having to cut them :)
You've got to be the first person on this website who was able to get their old endlinks off when replacing their struts without having to cut them :)

What? Really? It was pretty easy, just held the bolt with allen wrench while undoing the nut. Thats at least for the top part. I haven't tried removing the bottom yet.
Took off the suspect endlink, sure enough the rubber seal was busted and there was play in the ball joint. Replaced it (30min job) and the clunk is now gone!
Thanks for feedback guys.
What? Really? It was pretty easy, just held the bolt with allen wrench while undoing the nut. Thats at least for the top part. I haven't tried removing the bottom yet.

After XXX number of years and so many miles, 99 times out of 100 they're so badly rusted that the allen wrench just ends up stripping the bolt. Congrats on your fix, man.
It's back!!!

Well, just when I thought I had it taken care of, after a longer ride I notice that the front end clunking is still there! Not only that, but now the car (steering wheel) woobles! The wooble happens at any speed, from 2mph and up, its as if I put the wheel back on croocked, but I checked all the wheel nuts and everything is tight.

So, back to square one, hell, even further back because I now have a new problem. What else besides endlinks can I check for the clunking noise? For the whoole, I'm thinking maybe the brake rotor isn't sitting right, but other than that I'm out of ideas. This happened immediatly after the endlink job (I checked the original vs replacement...identical. Thanks
Yeah but - if that is all you changed - it must be a bad bushing as well...

Go back and check your lug torques too! ( i left mine loose once after maintenance ;) )
Following up....while the endlink was bad, the clunk was caused by a loss of the bolt that holds one of the engine mounts!

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