how do you change the speed limiter on the 2008 mazda3?

Nope the ground speed limiter has no input from the rear wheels. On the abs cars it takes the input from the acu, on the non abs it comes from the ring gear in the transmission.

The only way to remove the limiter is to rewrite the bin file for the GS map. Hypertech claims thier new flasher can do it, but only 10-12 kph increase.

Piasini is the only way to remove it all the way

Just doing some math:

Hmm in the other forums they've been stating 117.5 mph is the limited top speed, so let's say 117 mph. If you add another 11 kph or about 6.8 mph with the Hypertech that's around 124 mph. In other forums there were many claims a stock N/A 2.3 liter hits at least 130 mph (since the early models didn't have a speed gov), with high numbers being 135 mph.

Anyway where did you found out that Hypertech's unit can only increase about 11 kph? I'm considering this unit and any info is appreciated.

Speed limit adjustment @2:47
my, it was painful to read this. sorry to hear about your wreck guy, that sucks, ive been there. but you'll learn from it. learning you and your cars mechanical limits without a track is nearly impossible without occasional wrecks. without decent track fees, pricate and public tracks arn't options, these ppl that go on an on about take it to the track have never set a tire on one. anyway. yes the US department of Transportation mandates that vehicles must be limited to the speed the stock tires can safely travel at. so you'll want new tires eventually. there is no "throttle body limiter" as the mazda 3 has used "drive by wire" throttle bodies since day one meaning they are controlled by the changing it wont help. they mearly just cut the supply of fuel when the ecu knows youve hit 117 you can have any shop equipped with a OBD-II tuner and experienced Tech change the limit to something crazy like 200mph. the limit cannot be removed but it can be changed to a speed that you will never conceivably reach. i hope this Answers your question, and puts to rest some of these "theory's and myths, as the previous statements are untrue or just fragments of the answer you seek.
Have you done this yourself on a 2007-2009 Mazda 3?
No, I have no need to bypass it, I was just offering a suggestion.

If the ECU limits the speed based on the speed sensor, then remove this input form the ECU.

I know on my motororcycle the speed limiter is specified by the RPM and the gear, since the computer knows both! Fooling the computer into thinking its in a different gear bypasses the speed limiter.

As far as I know, the Mazda 3 speed limiter is based only on the VSS input.

Hopefully someone who wants this mod mod will try it and let us know.
ide love to be proven wrong... someone got a wiring diagram for the ecu and vss wire i/o? ill take the plunge.
Right now I'm experimenting with a Hypertech MESPP unit. Haven't been able to raise the speed limiter yet, but Hypertech is looking into it now and will call me when it's resolved.
i can get into the pcm and save the setting and then reflash it back. the network engineering gig really helps with all the extra equipment. i really dont wanna sit and sort through page after page of code to write a patch to raise the limit, it doesnt bother me that much...if i cant get it done in 117...150 isnt gonna be much better...never been in a race to see who is faster..just quicker lol. trying to see who can reach a higher speed is like kids holding their breath in a pool to me
Top speed is 118 MPH, because of avg class of tire people would buy. Me on the other hand I lean towards Performance when it comes to tires.