How do I install the Hella Supertone Horn Set in my MS3?


Hey guys just want to get some info on the best place to install the Hella Supertone Horn Set (also how to install them). Any info is appreciated!
The best place is to replace the stock horn. You need to open up the bottom plastic cover under the left front corner, under the bumper. A few screws and bend it out of the way. It will help if you can put the front wheels on ramps for access. You will see the stock horn on a bracket. Unplug the wire from the horn and remove the screw holding the bracket to the frame. Next, remove the stock horn from its bracket. Now mount the Hellas to the bracket so they will fit back under the fender. You will have to make a wire to connect the two Hellas together and to the stock wire. Bolt it up and connect the wire.

Good luck!
Alternately many people install the supertones behind the grill so that you can see the horns peeking through. To do this you just need to find a support to attach the brackets to (most people use the frame of the radiator, or the plastic beam that goes across the top) and just screw them in with self-tapping screws. After that run a ground wire from the horns to the frame, and run the power to the stock horn wiring. If you put a male spade connector on your power wire you can just plug it into the stock wire and you can avoid cutting anything.
Remember to seal that connector.
Either use an all weather connector or you can use dielectric grease (silicone grease) to weather proof the spades and help keep them from corroding plus shrink tubing over top.
Here are some pics of my install. I used wire loom to hide the wires. These were not the finished pictures as the grounding ends are not sealed, but they were completely sealed prior to the bumper going on. Had them on for about 15,000 miles and they still work great!









Indeed!! Very nice job Element.

Ah... I have some wiring I want done on mine, do you think....?? (lol)

OTOH, Winnipeg Manitoba is a bit far from Texas.
you all could always meet half way, lets call it my house, and we could make a wiring party out of it!
I purchased my Mazda3 HB last Monday. This morning I installed a single low-tone Wolo horn, wired in series with the OEM horn. Took less than an hour, and now the horn sounds a little more like a big man <G>

Just be really careful when drilling the plastic bracing that you don't slip and send the drill bit through the AC condenser/Rad.
Yeah, that would make for a bad day. Did you paint the horns red?

On topic, my Wolo air horn is in addition to the stock horn and is in front of the left front wheel. Not sure I'm comfortable taking the bumper off.