Hottest Members Chicks.. No Wangs Please!@

.. Dude. Most people actually aren't bein' dicks about the posted pics. I'm impressed.

And y'know. Now that I think about it .. It was -GI that started all that s*** in that old thread. Pfahahaha. I feel better now.
imjustagirl said:
Im with gapeach on this one, Im not the "hottest" but I'm aiight :) So I'll bite too. (yes)


look pretty hot to me. Like my ex when i was a freshman in college.
Alright for the girls. I think I'm going to have to detour into MD on my next trip to NY.

Now that I think of it, where are Lara and Ghost?
Rush said:
and y'know. Now that I think about it .. It was -GI that started all that s*** in that old thread. Pfahahaha. I feel better now.

Yeah well not all of us are losers.
YellowSpeedInNY said:
haha yeah i know i didn't have tiem to shave that s*** off for the costume, i had a 5 o clock shadow too put my friend said to shave it or she will kill me when she was putting the make up on

"Aaaaaaaaaahhh,Kelly Clarkson!!!!!!"(lol)

Anyway,I would have to say that MSPMichele and SpicyMSP are smokin' hott.(2thumbs)!!
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Rush said:
.. Dude. Most people actually aren't bein' dicks about the posted pics. I'm impressed.

IIRC, only one guy was a dick when you posted your pics back in the day.

And y'know. Now that I think about it .. It was -GI that started all that s*** in that old thread. Pfahahaha. I feel better now.

And you don't even have a GI*0wn3d T shirt to celebrate his ass-hattedness. For shame.