Have a wicked issue in need of quick help.

So here's the issues...

The tach on the instrument cluster got hit when I was messing with something else and it failed to work properly after the fact. I ordered another cluster and am wondering a few things before I go ahead and pay dealer price for stuff to get fixed.

Problem 1: Put the new cluster in and the security key wont allow it to start.
Problem 2: Need to odometer set to the correct mileage. The new cluster is set to around 78,000 and I need to add some miles.

I know everything is stored in the cluster itself which probably means I'm in search of a scan tool or someone with one of these to help with odometer.

As far as the key switch goes....how does this get synced and can it be done by reflashing the vehicle or anything? Thanks ya'll. I'm trying to flip this thing and can't believe I f-ed up one of the, what seems to be, most important parts of the car a few days before. AHHH! So frustrating....
okay so I think I've figured some things out. As far as I can tell the dealer can easily make the key work. Not sure if anyone knows how I can do it personally? As far as the odometer goes I dont know if anyone knows a speedo shop in MA area that could help me out with changing just the odometer on the dash. The rest of the vehicle will be fine. I just need to roll the odometer to the correct mileage on the new dash once I get to the shop. Then I will install the new cluster and everything will be just peachy. Thanks again.
So in case anyone ever needs a new cluster for one reason or another here's what ive found out. The odometer itself holds the information for mileage, not the pcm. also, the cars security wont allow a new cluster to work with an old key. There is no swapping these things. The dealer told me I had to get the keys programed to the new cluster for about $100.00. LIES. I swapped out the old odometer to the new cluster. I then unplugged the battery. I installed the cluster. hooked the battery back up, turned the key and vrrroooom. I think the odometer holds the security information for the key as well. Anyway...hope this helps anyone in a tight spot if you end up where i was.