Got Rear Ended


2007 Speed 6
A week ago I was stopped at a red light and a big Dodge 4x4 rear ended me.
Repair estimate from the insurance company is $12,500.00 + hidden damages.
They just took it to the body shop, and apparently they had let it sit out in the rain for a week. The whole back seat and trunk is full of water. The 2 Tone leather is all wrinkled and wrecked. I'm so mad at these idiots! Body Shop Manager says that his estimate will be considerably higher than the Insurance company. At this point I just wish they would write it off because this car is never gonna be the same, and the value will depreciate big time.
I'm gonna lose a ton of money when I sell it down the road.


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theyll probably write if off.. sorry to hear.. except i personally hated that two tone black and white leather.. (gah) other than that bummer dude!! start pulling some parts off if you can..
that sucks big time. hopefully with the new damage to the seats and such they just write it off
I'm fairly certain you can take your insurance company to some sort of arbitration if the value they propose to fix it is not a realistic figure. Just an FYI.
Well if they write it off can you swipe the driverside rear bumper insert and sell it to me for a deal?
I need one bad!
wow, that sucks. i think i would cry for a few days if anything like that happened to my massive loan, i mean car.

sorry to see the carnage.
to be "written off", the repair to its "original condition", not modded condition, would have to exceed 70% of current market value of the car. If the body shop is saying their estimate will be over the 12,500 mark, id put money on it heading to the junkyard. In that case before you sign it over, salvage all the aftermarket goodies you can.
However, if the shop is hurting for money and business, they will press the estimate as close to the 70% mark as possible in hopes of a fat payday off of your insurance company, and in that case they will cut corners in as many ways as they can get away with. just a heads up and warning to be all over them like stink on $hit. Until its signed for, its their place to fix it until your satisfied
Im sorry for your loss, this is very unfortunate by all accounts.
Am so sorry about that man. I hope they write it off for you. Just b**** to them for ******* up ur rear seats. That make them write it off just bug and b****. Good liv