For Musicians


Mazda Protege5
Hey guys, just wanted to start a thread solely for musicians and for people who wants to learns playing any instruments, and everybody is also welcome to post any suggestions or comments regarding music.

i'm a bass player who started learning bass 2 years ago, right now me and my friends hangout and play any kind of music

you can also post your instruments, amps, drums, hardware, any recommendation and good buys from any store in the net.

post a picture too of your band and your band wannabe too like me

KEEP ON ROCKING!!!! (band2)
Forgot to ask also, calling all bass players......Give me some good fingering techniques and some lessons. thanks
I play guitar for quite a while now. was in a decently successful band a year ago playing in the 3 neighboring states mostly. i play a epiphone lespaul quilt top with a few custom touches. my amp is a marshall AVT 50 halfstack.

looking to see what others have to say
I play guitar, bass, and piano. I took piano lessons for nine years, but don't currently own one so I rarely get to play one. I've played guitar for about 12 years.

I have an Ovation Grand Balladeer (I think that's the name anyhow), circa 1973. My dad bought it new and gave it to me a while ago.

I have played bass for a few years. It's currently my instrument of choice. I play a five string electric bass. Its a Corsair bass. I'm not really familiar with the brand. My bro and sis gave it to me for Christmas.
Suomi said:
I play guitar, bass, and piano. I took piano lessons for nine years, but don't currently own one so I rarely get to play one. I've played guitar for about 12 years.

I have an Ovation Grand Balladeer (I think that's the name anyhow), circa 1973. My dad bought it new and gave it to me a while ago.

I have played bass for a few years. It's currently my instrument of choice. I play a five string electric bass. Its a Corsair bass. I'm not really familiar with the brand. My bro and sis gave it to me for Christmas.
nice, i'm just beginner, but have been learning all the arpeggios and scales. I'm also practicing my fingering techniques, get it all stretched out to the point that it goes on spasm, aaawwww!!!
i have a Ibanez GSR200 4-String Bass with Quilt Maple Top and a Hartke Kickback 15" amp. Sounds awesome and so good. i'm happy with it
the first two pics are by baby "Sweet baby Edmond" with my guitar. and the third is him with his guitar (best 10 bucks I ever spent)

Yes. that's an american made Dime3 with the 'Show No Mercy' dude and EMG pickups.
And for power I have a VHT Pittbull ultra lead head (AKA: the foot stool) and no cab currently....


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I've been drumming for 18 years. It started as me wanting to be a rock drummer and my mother making me take lessons. My drum teacher wanted to teach me swing and I told him to eat a dick. First mistake. I made fun of all the kids in the middle school band for being in the band. Fast foward to my sophmore year. My grades were failing horribly and I needed some easy classes. Wisely, i went into the marching band. Luckly I could read set music so the transition wasn't that hard. I reallized that I was really having fun and the people I made fun of years prior were actually great people. I then got suckered into jazz band. The guy that I once told to eat a dick was right. i should've learned to play swing. Fast feet will get you know where if you can't move them independently. I learned the "art" of swing and I made my such a better musician. I played in many metal bands in S. Fl. as a drummer.

My last musical endevor, however was playing bass for my old singer's new band who needed a bass player. The band was great. It was a power metal/deathmetal attack that actually worked and had great reviews for e-zines around the world, although never released through a distributor. We went through a lineup change with a guitar player and drummer and in steps Bobby Gustufson, from the early Overkill days, on guitar. Needless to say, the music got much more technical at a rate that couldn't keep up with and I respectfully bowed out of the band so they could find a more skilled and seasoned bass player. I think I'm still in the bio.
I'm a bassist as well.. been playin' since 7th grade. I have two guitars and may be buying a 3rd

daily driver: 2001 Fender Pbass
excalibur: original issue 1972 Fender Jazz Bass, blonde finish white guard, black inlays in the neck

new possible purchase: 1978 Gibson RD Artist

4x10 GK cabinet
Hartke Head
Electro Harmonix Micro Synth
Korg AX10B Multieffect

mini amp:
fender bassman50
yeah, we could bust right into some Immortal, circa Blizzard Beasts....

then follow up with a rousing version of Overkill's "nice day for a funeral" ? Ha ! or better yet "sonic reducer" lol
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I can play a little bit of "Dazed And Confused" by Led Zeppelin on the Bass, but damn, it is hard.

I have a beginner Yamaha Bass.
65racecoupe said:
I can play a little bit of "Dazed And Confused" by Led Zeppelin on the Bass, but damn, it is hard.

I have a beginner Yamaha Bass.
rock on brother! playing some music makes a person well rounded.
Learning guitar on my Oscar Schmidt. Just stickin to easy tabs and no hard strumming
I've been playing piano since I was four. I took formal lessons all the way up until I went off to college...and I still practice (or at least futz around for a bit) a couple days a week.

I taught myself guitar; I own an Ovation Balladeer Special. I plan on purchasing a Les Paul electric sometime in the near future.

I'm not all that good at guitar, most of my talent resides in piano & keyboards. I also write music of my own using my computer and some excellent software (Cakewalk Sonar and Propellerheads Reason). In the past, I've used an old Cakewalk sequencer and some hardware MIDI synthesizers (a Korg NS5R, Yamaha AN1x, and an Alesis Nanosynth) to create everything, but I've just gotten into the soft-synth / 'studio in a PC' thing. The new software is incredible and I need to basically re-learn everything from scratch, but it will be worth it in the end.

All my own work is mostly electronic new-age / ambient / downbeat, but I've also dabbled in trance. Whatever I feel like writing I write, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
<-- Guitar + a little bass... and I just bought a drum kit to try and learn those. It's slow going though. I think I might look into lessons after the first of the year.

I'll post up an instrument list later.