Flywheel install

I don't have any experience (but I do have the shop manual, and it looks like you have to take the tranny apart to get at the fly wheel. Looks fairly complicated, 3 pages plus 3 removal notes. They say you have to use the SST to remove the flywheel and install the clutch and flywheel. I would say that if you don't have any or minnor mechanical experience, leave this one to the pros. That's what I would do, and I've done everything on my car including cam install.
yeap. its going to be very important that for warrany reasons if anything goes wrong, its not your ass. I'd do the same and let an expierenced shop do the work as removal of the tranny and taking it apart can be difficult.
You don't have to disasseble the transmission. However, you will have to remove it from the car which involves removing both axles (perhaps even hubs), disconnecting all linkage to the tranny, and support the engine temporarily while the transmission is out. It's not an overly complicated task, but highly involved and would require some knowhow.
SST just means "Special Service Tool". But I guess if you don't even know which SST to use don't even bother. And if you don't have a lift, don't bother even further.
Installing a new flywheel is a long process but not overly difficult. I can't say I've done it on the P5 but I did do it on my Talon which was AWD(more parts to remove). I did it with a friend of mine and it took us a total of 7 hours, which included a lunch break and a trip to the dealer for tranny fluid. And we did it in his driveway without a lift.

And if your gonna do the flywheel its would probably be a good idea to do the clutch while your there.