First Snow Drive

Jim Frye

Yesterday we got 5" of really hard snow. Tiny little flakes that packed into quasi-ice as soon as you touched it. The roads were like grease! The P5 was impressive in this crap. The tires had good traction even in the slippery, ice coverd side streets. The manual mode of the automatic was really nice. being able to hold a gear and start in second when you needed it made controlling the car easier to drive in stop and go driving. The 4 wheel disk EBD ABS brakes were great. The car stopped straight and true every time. My biggest fear was getting hit by all of the pickups and SUVs that were sliding and fishtailing all over at every stop light.
I'm going back out! Jim
Yeah 3 years ago with my corrado that is basically what happened. I was driving and doing just fine and a damn 4x4 SUV comes sliding over at me. So I made a tough choice SUV and possibly getting hurt or killed or a curb and snow enbankment. I chose the latter. Good thing I did because I would have been drilled by that damn suburban. Oh well glad to hear the P5 fairs well in the snow. We are expected to have a huge winter storm hear tomorrow so I might get to find out first hand. Can you say parking lot and e-brake.... hheheheheheh have fun and be safe JIM
Snow Crash!

A little bit earlier this morning, I'm sitting at a traffic light in the center lane. Suddenly, there's a big CRASH sound! I look around and in the right turn lane next to me, a GMC Envoy rear ended the Buick sitting next to me that was stopped for the light . The impact shoved the Buick about half way out into the intersection. When the SUV driver got out to inspect his handiwork, I rolled down the passenger window and congratulated him on his weapon of choice. I then rolled forward and asked the lady driving the Buick if she needed a witness. Jim
I hate the fact that everyone thinks that 4WD makes you invincible in the snow!!!

Sure, you'll accellerate better, and you might even corner a little better, but you sure as hell won't stop any sooner in a 4WD vehicle! In fact an SUV will stop worse than just about any 2WD car simply because it weighs more!
HEHEHEHEH Well it is now snowing and sleeting here in charlotte so it looks like I get to experience all of this first hand now. The schools have already shutdown around here and they have told us to use our own dicretion on when we should head home. I think I will let most of the soccer moms in SUVS have a chance to get off the road before I go out.
Jim Frye, Im surprised to hear that the tires handled well in the snow. I love the tires on a dry road, but the second it rains, no traction. First thing I did this winter was buy snow tires. I happy with them.
<font color="#333332">DAMN! I Love Arizona... Going to be in the 70's the rest of the week with maybe a chance of rain on Monday... :p
Sorry guy! Couldn't resist!!</font> (wiggle)
Its snowing right now and by the time I get off work I'll be testing out the P5 in the snow. Im not worry about the P5's handling, I 'm worried about all the other morons in the road that can't drive and may hit me.
Well, they ain't snow tires...

Todd said:
Jim Frye, Im surprised to hear that the tires handled well in the snow. I love the tires on a dry road, but the second it rains, no traction. First thing I did this winter was buy snow tires. I happy with them.

But for 50 series M&S all weather tires, they did pretty good. It was very much tippy-toe driving as the snow was not that dry, but it was cold. Jim
My P5's first snow today! I'm pleased with the way it handled. Tires were OK. Overall, it was a lot of fun! I'm looking forward to more winter storms, but with more snow than sleet. We've got about 1" of snow down here in Cary, NC. It snowed for about 2 hours, then sleet. Right now it's freezing rain, we might get some more snow tonight - maybe. I hop anyway.

I took some pictures of my P5 in the snow for the first time. I'll be posting them shortly.

I saw a beautiful black 330i coupe crashed on the side of the road on my way home today. I guess the ultimate driving machine has some explaning to do...

My P5 front wheel drive did very well:D



PS. PuertoRicanP5: what's up with that screen name? Sounds a little bit rice...
GXL, what is up with you and "rice"? I swear to god every single one of your posts claims "rice" about one thing or another. Do you have some sort of complex about it? Did you just learn that term and are all excited about it? Window tint is rice, being from Puerto Rico is rice, etc etc etc etc etc

Sorry for the here is some on-topic stuff:

My first drive in the snow on the stock tires was terrifying. The handle OK for what they are, but I could not stop worth a damn. I'm running Firestone WinterFires now (uh oh, rice I'm sure) and they made a huge difference.
Here we go:
