Feedback Please Tail lights


Feedback please :) I got bored so I decided to try some things.















calipers, yes...rotor hub rust, no...tails, meh....good for you, for do-it-yourself projects!
What can I do to improve the tail lights? Can you use some kind of sand paper and do another coat?

MSP#735 said:
calipers, yes...rotor hub rust, no...tails, meh....good for you, for do-it-yourself projects!
haha thanks, as the light situation =X its not that great. You can tell there's light there but not so good. When it gets darker out in a few hours ill take some pics of how it looks.

Kansei said:
I think it looks great.. how does the light show through?
oh no! you did a great job im just not a fan of blacked out tails...


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eep I'd get that paint off before it really adheres if you can't really see the light through them... turn signals are VERY important.
Yeah I totally agree, no turn signals is an accident waiting to happen. Besides, the next cop that sees you and feels like being an asshole will give you a ticket for that-- cops LOVE to hand out tickets for non-functioning or broken headlights/taillights, turn signals, and brake lights, especially if it was due to a modification. On top of that ticket you'll most likely get a court order to remove the turn signal obstruction-- and if you can't cleanly get that paint off it might involve getting replacement tail lights.

The paint looks good, but if you're going to paint anything in the future I'd recommend disassembling it first and painting it in a dust free and ventilated area. That way you won't get dust or particles in any of your coats and you'll avoid accidental overspray onto the car body. Even with masking off, you'd be amazed how far overspray particles can travel.
Yeah i didnt really think it through and I probly will get tickets, the lights do look fine at night... I gotta think of something for the day time. Where would you suggest a dust free place =X

gone_fishin said:
Yeah I totally agree, no turn signals is an accident waiting to happen. Besides, the next cop that sees you and feels like being an asshole will give you a ticket for that-- cops LOVE to hand out tickets for non-functioning or broken headlights/taillights, turn signals, and brake lights, especially if it was due to a modification. On top of that ticket you'll most likely get a court order to remove the turn signal obstruction-- and if you can't cleanly get that paint off it might involve getting replacement tail lights.

The paint looks good, but if you're going to paint anything in the future I'd recommend disassembling it first and painting it in a dust free and ventilated area. That way you won't get dust or particles in any of your coats and you'll avoid accidental overspray onto the car body. Even with masking off, you'd be amazed how far overspray particles can travel.
im a lil sceptical with the results of your lights. I dont personally dig it. And i really want to see what it looks like at nite. Props for the iniative. Calipers look good.
The only other thing is, did anyone paint the mazdaspeed badge? It looks outta place... Thinking of buying that turbo badge and putting that on there