F.E.A.R. Computer Game Demo


Blue MP3
anybody who is in to computer games has probably heard something about this game at one time or another and yesterday, friday, they released an official demo. It's a pretty kool game! Pretty scary at parts too! Good graphics and everything like that, and the AI is pretty smart, they'll put stuff infront of them to hide behind so on difficulty 2 of 4 its decently hard. So anyway, I advise anybody who plays computer games, or like FPS's, or just good games in general for that matter, and has a decent computer, to go download this game!!!!!...here's a link to download it!

NOTE: Fileplanet will say its going to take longer than it will, it told me 5 hours and I'm not sure how long I waited, probably about half an hour, and than it said the actual download will take 4 hours on a cable modem and it took me 20 minutes, so dont worry about it taking TOO long! They lie!

Also, here's a link to what IGN suggest to do with your settings based on your PC setup.... http://gear.ign.com/articles/639/639790p1.html

Post up your comment on opinions on it!

^ Thats a pretty nice setup, you were porbably able to run it pretty well.

And pimp I agree, just when it started getting creepy, it ended, but I cant wait for the full game!

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