Exhaust rattle


2002 Protege5 5spd
I installed the megan racing cat-back a few days ago (stock hangers) and it occasionally rattles. It rarely ever happens, only when engine braking and at specific rpms (about 2000) but it's starting to drive me crazy. It's really strange because I never hear it rattle against the car when going over bumps or cornering/accelerating hard. I'm positive it's the exhaust causing the rattle because I never had the problem before installing it.

Is my only option to buy new exhaust hangers like these? Or is there another method I don't know about.

Help is appreciated
can you tell where its rattling from? that would help find a solution
personally i wouldnt get new exhaust hangars i would put a hose clamp around the hangars you have now and tighten it up
can you tell where its rattling from? that would help find a solution
personally i wouldnt get new exhaust hangars i would put a hose clamp around the hangars you have now and tighten it up

I think it's rattling at the beginning of the new exhaust, right after the cat. Sounds like it's coming from directly underneath me. The hose clamps are a good idea though I'll give that a try.
This will sound crazy, but I had an exhaust rattle, and it turned out that one of my 02 sensors had wiggled just loose enough to make a terrible noise. I would at least check them out...i went crazy tightening and working on things, only to find that all I needed to do was tighten a sensor!
what you might hear rattling could actually be the heat shield. i cut mine off when i installed my short throw shifter , plenty of other people have too. they aren't really needed and you could unbolt yours if they dont snap off, thats why i had to cut mine. maybe with the wider pipes on megan racing thats why you can hear a rattle now