Electronic boost controller setup


2003 MazdaSpeed Protege
Hey forum, just got a new EBC (finally)! ive been playing with the settings on it, but id like to get some input from other people what they have for settings. i DO NOT have SSAFC or a FMIC. my options are the following:
Low boost PSI setting
Low boost gain setting
High boost PSI setting
High boost gain setting
Start boost
Warn boost
+1 DO NOT go any higher than stock boost without a better IC and Wideband. I bought and installed a Greddy Profec B Spec2 and am waiting to replace my spiking Forge WGA before tuning the boost but it's either off or set low around 10% gain and %5 set gain. There are lots of treads on how to set them up on this forum, each brand is different.