Do you live with mommy and daddy?

erikvonb said:

Everyone's got there reasons. I don't understand why some people move out at such a young age and get themselves into debt just so that they can be 'independant'

I recently moved back to my Mom's because my Dad died a few years back and I figured my Mom could use the help around the house. It works well for both of us. I've been saving for a house, and now I can put away a whole lot more money living at "mommy's"

She's got her life, and I've got mine. Just like it was when I had apartments with roommates. Just the parties aren't as wild :D


(dunno) If you don't give a s*** then why defend your situation?
I still live at home for a couple of reasons. First and foremost my mom is terminally ill and is in poor health, so I try to be with her as much as possible and I can't count on any of my brothers to be there for her.
Wow, this is the dumbest thread I have every read in my life and I didn't bother going past page 1. Who ******* cares where somebody lives or not this is a car forum.

this is a stupid thread.............who cares if you live at home or not. the thing that gets me going are kids whose parents buy them everything and they dont appreciate it.
eh i still live at home, yeah i am not cool like everyone else that moved out at 18. oh well, i dont have excuses. i am not an adult because i still live at home, wawawa. there are circumstances that people will never understand. my mom has her own restaurant. yeah mom imma get a 5.50hr job so you can pay someone else to do the work i do for you and in the end you end up wating alot more. but hey i am cool cause i live on my own and barely make a living. oh wait thats how we grew up, having to go to church on the weekends to try to get something to eat. hopefully they had some food, cause then we were SOL. oh wait but thats now. damn this is the dumbest thread. anyways just because you made it doesnt mean someone else will. pereverance, work hard doesnt alwyas work. oh well guess people will always be closed minded about things.
quoted from Ceej in another thread:

Don't know about "more mature" but I am old....what is the fun of being mature?

On that note, I'll make that my final post in this thread.:D

xoom xoom said:
Wow, this is the dumbest thread I have every read in my life and I didn't bother going past page 1. Who ******* cares where somebody lives or not this is a car forum.

:rolleyes: Um, no, this is Off Topic.

From your answer I bet you live at home with your parents?
erikvonb said:
quoted from Ceej in another thread:

Don't know about "more mature" but I am old....what is the fun of being mature?

On that note, I'll make that my final post in this thread.:D


Diferent being "mature" (as in not looking at life with a fun perspective) and immature (living under another persons' roof and being supported by them).

But I guess you are too smart to understand the dif.?
I live with Mommy and Daddy for the last 4 months. First time in 6 years (since I was 18. My roommate was transferred and had to move in less than 2 weeks. So we had to buy out our lease and move. I deplore the thought of living with some random loser in an apartment and I just quit my job so keeping the house we had was out of the question. So yes I live with Mommy and Daddy Ceej. I also pay rent and have virtually no belongings in the house other than clothes.

Also Ceej if you are looking for more thread ideas to prove that you are better than most of the "20 something" members here try : "I bet I lost my virginity before you", "I am an artist what do you do for a living", "I know everything" and "Being condescending without being obvious about it"
chino said:
Also Ceej if you are looking for more thread ideas to prove that you are better than most of the "20 something" members here try : "I bet I lost my virginity before you", "I am an artist what do you do for a living", "I know everything" and "Being condescending without being obvious about it"

chino said:

chino said:
damn that guy is greasy!

Found it in Google search under; Typical Pabst Blue Ribbon Drinker.

Havn't you ever heard the saying that "Life is to short to drink cheap beer"?
mazdadan said:
Sometimes you just have to take a few chances and just go for it. Even if you have to take on a little debt and live frugal, it will eventually pay off in the long run.

Great point. You're never going to start out with everything you want. Maybe the parents oversell kids on this idea or they want their kids to "have it better" than they did. I have actually heard parents say this.

And to participate in the topic, I moved out when I was 17 and the only time my husband and I had to move back in with the reants was for a couple of months when we both got laid off at the same time from the same company (damn Motorola).

I have always been too proud to take money from anyone or help. I still won't even let my parents pay for dinner when we all go out and I have to drive myself in my own car wherever we go.
They think it's silly, but I just hold my independence too tightly I guess.
I am usually a beer snob (youngs, New belgium ETC.) but if I am drinking "regular" beer I would rather have PBR, it tastes better IMO and is less than half the price. See: "I just quit my job"