Dented bumper heal thyself?


CX-7 Sport AWD Copper Red Mica
I knew it had to happen sometime, but was hoping it would take longer than two weeks to suffer a ding. I went to a movie today and came out to find that a full size pickup had parked behind me and apparently didn't notice that he had driven into my car in his effort to 'get close.' His license plate pushed in and left a dent in my bumper. (flame)

I took not very good pictures with my camera phone but was lucky that the pick-up driver came out while I was still there so I was able to get his information.

I haven't brought it in for a quote yet but it seems like it would be really easy to fix. (I can't get in there to reach myself.) In fact, the bizarre thing is that after a couple hours, it almost seems like the dent is less severe than before and is popping back out itself. Maybe I'm tripping here, but does that sound at all possible? (I have no idea what our bumper is made out of but I keep thinking of the old saturn ads with the shopping carts where the dents heal themselves.)

The guy who hit my car appears to be retired so I really don't want to go after his money. Then again, it wasn't my fault so I don't want to pay for the fix either. So I'm left hoping for divine intervention and that the bumper will pop back into shape.

(On a happier note, the movie was excellent: Almodovar's new film "Volver". But it probably wasn't worth the heartache the pick-up caused.)
i dunno bout the bumbper, but in the fall, 2 gigantic acorns fell from above n hit my hood and ive basically had 2 dents in the hood since ive owned the car, and that is not healing itself haha
my brother hit a kia head on with his dakota at about 15 or 20 mph and by the time the cops got there(2 hours) his bumper had popped back into place with no visible damage, the kia had to be towed lol Dont know about the CX-7 tho, im sure its possible though.
All I know is that the bumper on this car seems to be pretty sturdy because I accidentally backed into a minivan once. A large part of the van's bumper was caved in, but mine just had a tiny little dent that you can't even notice without looking really close.
popped back 98%

Thanks for your input & good thoughts. I am happy to report that my bumper has popped back almost perfectly into place. If I look for it, I can still find a mild dent, but it's not something you'd notice otherwise. I am relieved and that much more impressed with this car.
dented bumper fix

Hey UpNorth,

I recently had a 2002 Mazda MilllenniaS (traded that for my CX-7) and had a nasty nudge put into my left from bumper when I nudged to close to a bus as I left a parking lot (he was stopped, I was going 0.1 mph, thought I could squeeze by him)...

Anyway, it left a big dimple in the corner of the bumper 4 inches in circumference and about 2 inches deep. I took it to a detail shop and he said, trash the bumper, can't do much to it.

Not happy with that answer, I took it to another detailer. He said, no problem, I'll hit it with a heat lamp and it will "pop" back out. (he had done it before).

So I left it with him, he heated it, it popped, he did a quick touch-up paint and buff and it looked like new.

So, you aren't seeing things if you think it looks less dented. I saw mine start to pop back just by hot sun beating down on it (it was summer, in Massachusetts).

So...ask a good can be repaired. Cost me $40.00

good luck,

Thanks so much. My next stop will be to a detailer.

A couple people had told me I should bring it to a shop to make sure none of the metal structure underneath was bent, so I did. (It wasn't.) The paint is a little scuffed and there is a minor (nearly invisible) dent on the bumper. I asked what it would cost to fix and he said $600, because he'd have to take the bumper off, paint the whole thing and yadi yadi ya.

Like you, I said no thanks. I'm all for the sun lamp & buffing solution if I decide to do anything. It is amazing to me how much the shape has come back given that it's winter in Alaska and kind of cold. (Though I think today Massachusetts is chillier.)

I appreciate your help. (I'm a former baystater.)