Delivery Date Memo


I just received this memo;
"To All Mazdaspeed Dealers,

As stated in our previous e-mail, we had planned to start shipping Mazdaspeed Proteges the first part of November. As we were conducting pre-shipping quality checks last week, a cold weather fuel-cut condition was noted. Specifically, the PCM's anti-tampering programming was triggered by very cold air intake, resulting in fuel cut-off.

Consequently, we are in process of making a slight revision to PCM programming. Our goal is to resolve the issue this week so we may start shipping vehicles the week of November 25th.

We are taking great care to ensure the highest of quality with Mazdaspeed Protege. As an expression of our confidence, it should be noted that Mazdaspeed Protege is being introduced with our recently announced 4-year/50,000 mile warranty.

We understand that you have customers waiting for these vehicles, and appreciate the difficult situation that this delay creates. As the press has noted, the car will prove to be worth the wait. We will provide updates regarding delivery of the vehicles as appropriate. Thank you for your patience and support.

Scot Rasmussen "

That's the word from Mazda, Hai.
Well, at least we know Mazda's quality control is alive and well. If these were Fords we would have all got them already and had to take them back for at least 2 recalls.

Will there be some way to reprogram the computer? Or will there be some way to piggyback something on to it to override fuel cuts/boost limits/etc.?
Nobody in the usa/canada owns one of these. I just got off of the phone with mazda usa. Steve the delightfull(not) man i spoke with tells me that just yesterday the distributer had informed them that the cars will yet again be delayed. what a damn surprise. this time untill dec 7th. he went on to tell me how "the part manufacturer is not able to build the part. but that mazda is doing all that they can to fix this, but we may have to GET A NEW SUPPLIER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! witch means that they would have to REDESIGN THE PART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, and that could push the release back another few months!!!! I swear this came strai out of the clowns mouth. I went on to tell him of the numerous people on this and other chats that have decided to get competitors cars, to which he replied that mazda will have no problems selling the limited number of units. obviously they care little about customer service at mazda usa.

i just called in myself to mazdausa to confirm....guy said that according to the info he has it is delayed again till december
djPhobic, you can edit your posts. Alternately, switch to decaf :).

I believe the memo above to be the latest from Mazda. Anything else is speculation.
hehe...i hear ya....i'm just tired of all this bs.....i've had a down payment on the car since september and all i've gotten from mazda and the dealership is a bunch of bs.....i don't blame the dealer of course.....they can only tell me what mazda tells them..(which is nothing..hehe).....anyways...just think that mazda could have been a little more forthcoming about what is going on....they would have pissed off fewer ppl.....i just hope this doesn't reflect on how the company operates with everything else....i realize that delays happen....but if you have ppl least throw them a bone instead of a measly twig.....sorry this is so long btw
wrex said:
I just received this memo;
"To All Mazdaspeed Dealers,

As we were conducting pre-shipping quality checks last week, a cold weather fuel-cut condition was noted. Specifically, the PCM's anti-tampering programming was triggered by very cold air intake, resulting in fuel cut-off.

Thanks for passing this on WREX. The good news is they caught this. The bad new is that it makes you wonder what kind of cold weather testing HAS been done. :confused:

Frankly, I'd rather have the quality. If not, the SRT-4 would be a no brainer.
a) It is nice that Mazda's QC caught this problem, but
b) doesn't it make you wonder what else they could find or what you might find a couple weeks or months after you buy the car?
c) I hope that everyone that put down money is getting interest or maybe even $50 off on the car! I know the interest on a $500 down pymt is barely $1/month, but it's the principle of them having your money!!! I went through this same thing of putting down money and then waiting and waiting for my '99 Civic Si to come in.:mad:

I think this entire MS-P issue is making Mazda seem like they don't have their s*** together. If it was only this latest issue mentioned in the article above holding up the cars then that's one thing, but this is on top of the delay in parts and/or shipping.
Good luck and I hope everyone get's their cars soon!
Mods take time...

I hate the wait almost as much as those who are buying one 'cause I want to sell them but I know there can be problems and delays with any project.
Who hasn't waited weeks for a part to come in.
I have on my wrx and I waited almost a year to have a tank made for my bike by Evan Wilcox.
I figure that it sux but there's nothing I can do.
I understand the guy who needs a winter car 'cause his Honda was slammed to the ground and snow was on it's way, but most of us just want it because we want it.
We don't need it get to work.
I have no choice but to wait.
Re: Mods take time...

wrex said:
I understand the guy who needs a winter car 'cause his Honda was slammed to the ground and snow was on it's way, but most of us just want it because we want it.

<bows> thank you...well HEY...i want it too!!! :D sorry for the hilarious post..but i had to..
I'm in a similar position since I live in New England. The weather is starting to get crappy. No snow yet but ice and sleet has seen the ground recently.
Gonna have to get the old Winter beater (88' 626) fixed and take the RX-7 off the road. Sniff!

***1st in line at the dealer for a Black Mica!***
I live about a half hour outside of Boston, MA in the Metrowest area. Metrowest Mazda out of Shrewsbury is who I'm dealing with. They've told me they're getting 1 orange and 2 black. Luckily I had my deposit down before anyone else so I get first pick of the litter.