Dashhawk Draining Batteries

I see on the MSD site that the hawk is draining batteries. ANybody have a problem so far?

I am looking at wiring up a relay to disconnect the unit when power is shut down. Looks like only 4 connections used??
why dont you just unplug it?

It turns off when you turn off the car, but supposedly it still takes a little bit of power. It shouldnt be enough that would effect you. Ive had mine plugged in and not start my car for 3-4 days and it starts up fine.
i dont have any problem mine is pluged in 247 some of the beatas cut down on the power off draw to a 1/10 what it was when it first came out.
I have had one for several months... No issues at all. Mine is always plugged in.
Some one should give me theirs to test!

Haha do you want to use mine for a week? I dont want to be the reason you end up spending $300 on one, oh wait thats how I ended up with my cobb sri. As long as I get it back... Then we can compare data logs between cai vs sri.
I suppose it may be isolated situations. The net is full of scare stories about Dashhawk's, warranties and smokin turbo's n' stuff. There tends to be some truth so I thought I would see if there was something to it.

As far as unplugging, no can do. I am 1. Too lazy, 2. Absent minded, 3. Find that a silly thing to do given I paid $300 for a tool (that is very useful to me by the way), and 4. I like to build things so if there was a problem, I would be off to the electronics store like a shot.

Take your pick, numbers 1 and 2 are probably the real reasons....
THanks. I tried to go there yesterday but my registration hasn't been "granted" by the administrator. I am trying to get the gif image of the wiring.