clunk from front driver side, likely control arms, right? Please help...more


2003 MP5, 2000 Audi S4, 67 Mustang (hers)
In my Audi, we replace the entire control arm and are done with things.

I've searched here and it seems like some folks are pressing in new bushings. I do not have a press, so I can't do that, but I am mechanically inclined having done control arms multiple times on my S4.

So, a few questions:

If I take it to the dealer (our local dealer is actually pretty decent), will they replace the bushing or just swap in a new control arm? I know, I could call them, but I don't feel like it right now.

How easy is it to just replace the thing on our own? I have not even looked, but I will this weekend as I put in new pads and rotors up front.


They'll just replace the control arm. I don't think it is too difficult, but I have never done a full control arm myself. Chec the how-to section, I think there is a write up on how to do it.