Checked out the 3 Sedan and hatch today


2001 Mazda Protege MPS impressions of each are as follow:
The hatch I really don't like too much. From pictures I've seen of the sedan, I liked it, but it's 'okay' close up. Kinda reminds me of a cross between a toyota corolla, Mazda 6 and an IS 300. When I first saw it, I thought it was a 6 hatch. Under the hood, everything looks completely different from the Protege. The throttle body is in the front, the battery is in the back, the intake manifold is plastic, it has a big ass plastic manifold cover, and the precat is up really high. The inside is more user friendly and eye catching, but nothing spectacular. Comes with 17 inch rims, at least the one I saw. Looking at the car from the back looks like a hatchback, like the Accent. I'd like to see the sedan lowered with at least 18 inch rims before I make a final decision on a trade.
m3 sedan or hatch

I like both of them, and that is the biggest problem for me. That hatch would be cool because I carry all my stuff, plus the baby carriage and still look cool. but the sedan looks nice also especially with the raised spoiler. I don't know.(doh) (wrc)
I'm picking this thread randomly because it's just something I've been noticing. I find it so funny that when you go to other forums on the web people love the 3. You arrive here and it's Protege owners bitching the new 3. Fine by me. Stay with your Protege and I'll keep my 3.

Even though the protege is a good car, I don't need to put it down to like my car. Some comments coming from protege owners makes someone really wonders what stuff you've been smoking. If you feel the need to flame me then you'll just prove my point so let's keep this mature.
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M3-GT said:
I'm picking this thread to randomly because it's just something I've been noticing. I find it so funny that when you go to other forums on the web people love the 3. You arrive here and it's Protege owners bitching the new 3. Fine by me. Stay with your Protege and I'll keep my 3.

Even though the protege is a good car, I don't need to put it down to like my car. Some comments coming from protege owners makes someone really wonders what stuff you've been smoking. If you feel the need to flame me then you'll just prove my point so let's keep this mature.

Good Point and I agree...I want Mazda3 enthusiasts to feel welcome here and I will do my best to ensure that. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion BUT that doesn't mean it is acceptable to make insulting comments.

Please continue ON TOPIC!
I've seen the 3s starting to pop up more and more. At first I always think, well, I wouldn't trade my Speed off for one of those. But then I have to catch myself. Because I wouldn't trade my Speed off on a base Protege either. Not that there is anything wrong with the base Protege or the 3. It's just that the bright paint and aggressive body work that come on the Speed and MP3 are more suited to my tastes then say the ES.

So, I guess what I am saying is that what might be interpreted as Protege owners ripping on the 3 isw a bit off from both sides of the subject.

To the 3 owners, I too want you to feel welcome here and I also want you all to prepared for the fact that there is a lot of inter-car rivalary here. (P5 & MP3 vs. Speed, Miata vs. Speed, ES vs. Speed hmmm I see a patern emerging here. lol.) But seriously, this place is much like a family a lot of competition in the ranks but a lot of tightness too. Many of the comments about the 3 come from that and many, like was said before, come from the fact that no car will appeal to everyone's tastes.

To the Speed, MP3, and P5 owners remember that for the most part we are judging a car that is the equivalent to the ES. Down the road as new models of the three emerge we may be drooling over them and selling kidneys to afford them. I realize this doesn't really hold true for the Sportier hatch design but that goes back to the earlier statements of different people have different tastes. Besides the Pro5 spoiled us when it provided easily one of the sportiest hatches on the market for a very good price.

Ok, enough out me.