best congress hearing ever


if that doesn't work the one from 2/4 here

it's a hearing with SEC officials going before congress about the madoff stuff. they're basically asking "why didn't you catch him since that is your job?" it's really long but fast forward to 4:00:00. Ackerman tears them a new one and calls them out on their bulls*** for 10 mins. then they keep trying to talk in circles and he keeps calling them out. it's phenomenal.

a preview

"I figured you'd leave your blindfolds and your duct tape and your earplugs behind," he began, awesomely. "But you seem to be wearing them today ... What the hell went on? Your mission, you said, was to protect investments. And detect fraud quickly. How'd that work out? ... It seems to me with all of your investigators, one guy with a few friends and helpers discovered this thing nearly a decade ago. He led you to this pile of dung that is Bernie Madoff, and stuck your noses in it, and you couldn't figure it out! You couldn't find your backside with two hands if the lights were on!"

"your value to us is useless. your value to the american people is worthless. your contribution to this proceeding is 0"

"your mission you said was to protect investors and detect fraud quickly. how'd that work out?"
Man that guy is fired up! Lol

LMAO!!! "What happened here?!.......Thats a question!....Now, do we start with hear no evil, see no evil or do no evil? Take your pic...."

lol awesome
at one point he essentially says "you're an idiot. tell me why you're not." how does anyone respond to that?
Just an FYI, the grandstanding that congressmen/Senators do during hearings is for the benefit of the cameras so their constituents are fooled into thinking their elected officials mean business...

... but afterwards in the hallways:

Politician: so, how was my performance?

Scapegoated target of hearing: Good, but you could've pulled your punches a little. You got the accounting and routing numbers, right?

I swear, every time I open my windows, I get hit by the stench of politics-as-usual wafting over the Potomac.
but this was 2 (or more) government agencies. those guys were from the SEC not from a private company. i'm sure some of it was so he looks good, esp since he's from long island and probably has a lot more constituents effected by this than anyone, but that still seemed too much for just a camera show
They should just turn congress on its side and dump them all out. Replace them with normal folks..not lifetime politicians.