Bent rim? WTF!

'93 Mazda RX7 R1
well, i bought my MSP at the end of last summer, i picked it up from NC and drove it back to MI, fun times (mountains, YAY!), and it has always had a slight vibration above 75 mph, no biggie, right? WRONG :(... i go to take the protege out of storage for an upcoming meet, my friend who dropped me off is following me back to my house and a few miles down the road gives me a call... "Dude, your left rear tire is wobbling a lot, no, your whole wheel is wobbling a lot"... i'm thinking damnit, the lugs are loose or some stupid s***, yet i can't feel any other vibrations or anything weird, no clunking, nothing, hm... its only a mile or so to my house so i just keep going, get home, jack up the ass end, spin the driver side tire, sure nuff, wobbles pretty good, awesome!!! i'm convinced its a bent rim, but i call my roomate to see what he thinks, he throws out bent hub, and that the lubs might be torqued incorrectly (all of them were tight), so i figure i'll throw on my FD's and give them a spin, if they wobble, its not the rim, if they dont wobble, it is the rim, well, they dont wobble, so now i know its not the hub, but it COULD have been incorrect torque put down on each lug, so i pull the passenger side RH, throw the wobbly wheel on, torque each lug to 100ft/lbs, jack it back up, WOBBLE, damnit :(... there are light curb rash marks all around the lip, is it possible to hit the rim hard enough to bend it, but not leave a sizable mark on it? because they all look like the guy i bought it from just ever so lightly rubbed a couple curbs...

i dunno, i am pist, but at the same time, i was gonna run my FD's this season anyway, so it just makes me put them on sooner, i just can't beleive i've been driving on it this whole time like that, there isn't any weird wear marks on the tire, and it doesn't vibrate unless your doing 75+... so thats the story, i'm a little upset about it, but oh well, time to look for a spare rim, but i'm sure i'll end up buying a complete set :(...

- James
there are light curb rash marks all around the lip, is it possible to hit the rim hard enough to bend it, but not leave a sizable mark on it?


Next time post just that part.
haha, my rims were not bent after the car flipped 12 times.
might be a factory defect.....?
to bend a rim like ours u have to have curb rash 1/4 inch deep.
^^aluminum alloy is pretty stiff. you never know though, weird things do happen. When you lay the wheel flat on the ground..does it wobble as well?
FunkyBuddha said:
^^aluminum alloy is pretty stiff. you never know though, weird things do happen. When you lay the wheel flat on the ground..does it wobble as well?

didn't even try it, i just swapped my FD's onto the rear and did a couple quick 80mph runs, no more vibrations, came back, jacked it up, wheels still spun perfectly straight, when i'm over at my moms tomorow i'll do that though, i doubt they will wobble much, if at all though, i mean it can't be THAT bent if i wasn't even feeling it until above 75mph, but it did wobble about 1/4 - 1/2 inch, kinda scary... but sometime next week/weekend i'm gonna take it to the local alignment shop and have them throw it on their balancing machine, we'll know damn quick just how ****** up it truly is then haha...

KpaBap said:
there are light curb rash marks all around the lip, is it possible to hit the rim hard enough to bend it, but not leave a sizable mark on it?


Next time post just that part.

??? i know the thing is bent, i'm not asking people what the problem is, i already KNOW what the problem is, i was more or less just telling a story about how a nice afternoon of backroad driving was cut short because i had to figure out why my rim looked like it was gonna fall off, i wasn't sure if the minor (VERY minor) curb rash could have been the same damage that bent the rim, or if the guy had maybe hit a speed bump to hard or something, i dunno, but i certainly know that the rim is bent so i dont need any help with the diagnosis...

Dr. Sound, that sounds (haha, no pun intended :p) like a pretty knarly ride, i was thinking that from the minimal damage my rims have it would be pretty hard to truly bend them in the fassion needed to produce this amount of dis-function, but hell i haven't the slightest knowledge of exactly how tough specific metals are, seems feasable to me but again, i have no idea... i'll get some pictures of the damage and see what everyone thinks of that, and off hand i beleive this is the only rim with any damage, the rest are all but perfect aside from the stupid discoloration from wheel weights :(...
side note that i thought was funny, when i went on my test drive i kept hearing a soft squeaking noise (not the susp :p) sometimes, at first i thought it was from bumps, then i realized that everytime i was straining to hear the noise i'd let off the gas and it was the bpv making a soft noise that when i wasn't really paying attn sounded like a tire rubbing on the strut or something, made me feel smart :p... i still need to get used to this whole turbo thing, it is very foreign to me (lol)