Bat's Mazda 6 Redout and Smoke Reverse Taillight Overlays(PICS)

Finally got my Mazda 6 Gallery up :). First Overlays being offered are my Redout Turn Signal Overlay and Smoke Reverse Overlay. Enjoy!


m6t1 Redout Turn Signal Overlay $12 pr
m6t2 Smoke Reverse Overlay $12 pr




m6t1 Redout Turn Signal Overlay:



m6t2 Smoke Reverse Overlay:


turn signals either have to be red or amber in the rear, or clear or amber in the front.
depends what you are registered under...I'm limited to the titanium ambers *sigh* There are things you can get away with. I'm liking the red overlay cause awtchng a few six's drive away the amber looks so out of place when turn signals or hazards are used. smoked...not shure of...I need to see whatere I am going when I tint the windows(boom02)
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haha i got Hyper White turn signals in both front n rear.

was drivin' on the highway to work
a state cop came right behind me, literally was like bumper to bumper
put my signal to move right, blinded the cop

when i moved to the right lane he sped up next to me n literally like stayed there for like 30 sec or so but i neva turned my head, tried to keep from laughin' my arse off (naughty)

but i didnt get pulled over, no reason to get pulled over

local n state cops see it dont say nothin', its ok so long its not BLUE (colored) signal lights, than u can get pulled over

btw i'm in massachusetts

drove to NY and cops over there didnt say nethin' bout it either, prob cuz of my Mass plate
The way most of the grey area legalities you'll rarely get pulled over for something like a white turn signal, or missing front license plate...HOWEVER when you do get pulled over, they become secondary tickets, or fix-it tickets. If you've ever been to traffic court, you know how this guy will get called up with like 4-6 tickets...
yep cellphone and seatbelts are secondary tickets and usualy only can be a primary if there was a checkpoint set up.