Bad DGM Quality CF Glovebox Piece

im such a nice guy. -=P me any my mad craftsman skills will get it hooked up.. no one is out but me if i **** it up -=P
MIA protege said:
i dont see why yellowbagged should refund the money after so long but i also see where daviper is coming from ... i think yellowbagged shouldnt have told him the piece is in perfect condition when it clearly was not .... now u know daviper, once u order soemthing, check it immidiately and let them know if theres soemthing wrong
I just want to clarify that i never said "it is in perfect condition"....i told him it in in perfect condition from how i recieved it. In other words i pretty much told him "its just how i got it", which im my eyes is not that bad, once it is put on you barely notice the little bubbles or the little gap around the vent (if you put it on good). I will check if i have close ups of when it was on my car. But like the last 3 posts said (thanks for making sense and agreeing with me), after a month is to long to ask for money back. Even if you said "i haven't opened the box for a month cause i was not home" i would give you the money back, but after knowing you opened it, looked at it, and liked it the day you got it, i see absolutely NO reason to refund you after so long. And im sure nobody else would refund you either....(i just noticed i type 2 much, sorry lol)
YellowBaggedP5 said:
I just want to clarify that i never said "it is in perfect condition"....i told him it in in perfect condition from how i recieved it. In other words i pretty much told him "its just how i got it", which im my eyes is not that bad, QUOTE]

Are you serious? How is that not bad? First of all, you did say it was in mint condition, and if it's not you should say what is wrong with it.....dont pretend you're not an asshole and didn't correctly describe the piece.

screw two sided tape.. gets some industrial strenth duck tape.. hehe... naa.. what about some industrial super glue or hot glue from a glue gun for permanent fitment.
DaViper said:
Are you serious? How is that not bad? First of all, you did say it was in mint condition, and if it's not you should say what is wrong with it.....dont pretend you're not an asshole and didn't correctly describe the piece.

You do realize at this point that you're not getting your money back right? So why don't you just give up?
^^^ agree...

i feel if yellowbagged could live with how it looked and the previous owner also, so can u. im not taking sides on this issue, but u must agree it got out of hand... hope it gets resolved - chris
he is getting his money.. im buying the part.. viper pm me your paypal addy again.. ill shoot u the money tomarrow -=P
- John
whenever you buy something, and if you face problems, you need act asap.
in general, no one, I mean no one will refund your money after month later(ex: forum sales).
It's too bad you have problems...but too late
in bag's defense, should he sit around for 3 months until you decide whether or not you like it? nope, hes prolly got the money spent already.
seriously bags a good guy and im sorry its not everything you asked for but if he were to sell it on ebay youd a bought it because it was in good condition for era. Dgm first started out thtey had these problems its a fact. They cleaned up their mess thanks to amie. But what he sold was in mint condition from when he bought it.
i just wanted to chime in and say that i ordered the fiberglass glove box cover from dg and i was disappointed w/ the fit and finish. there were a few chips, rough edges, didn't cover the entire piece, and required lots of sanding around vent area to get it to look decent. it's still not perfect but it will do for now




please excuse the poor pics, digital cam sucks
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DaViper said:
YellowBaggedP5 said:
I just want to clarify that i never said "it is in perfect condition"....i told him it in in perfect condition from how i recieved it. In other words i pretty much told him "its just how i got it", which im my eyes is not that bad, QUOTE]

Are you serious? How is that not bad? First of all, you did say it was in mint condition, and if it's not you should say what is wrong with it.....dont pretend you're not an asshole and didn't correctly describe the piece.

I am not going to say anything. I have never insulted you and i feel i have not done any wrong. This issue is closed. Thanks to everybody who spoke in my defense and making sense....that rhymed, i think im gonna be a rapper now, thank you, bye