Autocross event this weekend in CT


02P5, 98ES,95miata

Sunday May 20th
137 Lathrop Rd
Plainfield, CT 06374-2033, US

Directions to Plainfield site:
Exit 87 off I-395.
Northbound turn right at end of ramp. Southbound turn left at end of ramp.
Go 1/4 mile, look for second lot entrance on your right after Big Y.

I'm going to check out some cars, and pick up a header for the Biata(drive2) Figured I'd throw it out there for anyone who's around
Wish I could go...we got 2 b-day parties to go to. Both girls turning 4.
A header install sounds WAY better then party hopping with preschoolers.
But I will enjoy watching my kids have fun so, its cool.