

2003 VW GTI 1.8T
was wondering if anyone that checks out these forums frequently attends any Auto-X's. im always trying to get new people out to have some fun. if long have you been doing it...and...are you totally addicted yet?
Excitmnt94 said:
was wondering if anyone that checks out these forums frequently attends any Auto-X's. im always trying to get new people out to have some fun. if long have you been doing it...and...are you totally addicted yet?

I auto-x the Miata found in my sig (I really need to update that picture; it looks much better now). I've been doing it for a bit over a year and a half. I'm currently battling it out for points to a 3rd place podium position.

And yes, I'm addicted to it like a ho on crack, lol.
sweet man...those Miatas are always rippin it up here in the SC region too. good luck on the points battle! im still learnin' :)
Excitmnt94 said:
sweet man...those Miatas are always rippin it up here in the SC region too. good luck on the points battle! im still learnin' :)

They're great cars to run. I never really thought twice about them until I started racing. I decided to purchase one when I popped the engine in my former Escort. Upon fixing and selling that, I decided to buy the Miata.

What kind of setup are you running on your GTI? A friend that I race with is a VW freak. If it's not a VW, he's not driving it, heh.
im running totally stock right now. my only mods are a K&N drop in filter. im saving up for some R compound rubber and different light rims for next season. i am just starting there is still so much more to learn before i can start hanging at the top of G-Stock...damn Mini Cooper S' :)
If you are just starting out.... DON'T GET R-TIRES!!!!!!!

They are great, don't get me wrong, but until you have a decent amount of experience, r-tires mainly serve as a crutch, hiding bad habits. In my experience, stay on the stock tires for a year or two (most regions have street tire classing for all the stock classes) to really learn the limits of the car and your ability. Once you have reached that limit, THEN go on to r-tires... you will be better prepared to make the most of the extra grip available to you.

I have autoxed since 1996, and THIS YEAR was the first time I used r-tires. Atmittedly, I was in STS, which does not allow r-tires for the last 2 years, but I was not ready for the good tires until this year.

In any case, welcome to the addiction ;)
I'm with cap'n scaps on this one...I drove his car with R comps and it's completely different. The key in the first couple years, as best as I can tell is seat time. So far, I've been improving, but I still have bad habits, like slamming on the brake and holding it. Good way for ABS to fire and you to not stop or turn, or anything. With R-comps, if you have bad habits like that, you'll be buying new R-comps half way through the season!

And then you'll wish somebody would do this (bike) to you.
agreed. i switched to Rs after a season, and i'm going back to streets for my 3rd season b/c i think it slowed down my learning. of course, now i HAVE to get a set of FLT-A2s since i'll be running STS. ;)

...but whether i'll be in the Pro, a 98 GTI VR6 or 98 outback sport is yet to be determined.
scapamouche said:
If you are just starting out.... DON'T GET R-TIRES!!!!!!!

They are great, don't get me wrong, but until you have a decent amount of experience, r-tires mainly serve as a crutch, hiding bad habits. In my experience, stay on the stock tires for a year or two (most regions have street tire classing for all the stock classes) to really learn the limits of the car and your ability. Once you have reached that limit, THEN go on to r-tires... you will be better prepared to make the most of the extra grip available to you.

I have autoxed since 1996, and THIS YEAR was the first time I used r-tires. Atmittedly, I was in STS, which does not allow r-tires for the last 2 years, but I was not ready for the good tires until this year.

In any case, welcome to the addiction ;)

bah! You guys are crazy!

Just kidding. You're absolutely right. However, I started on R's and am very competitive, even only after a year and a half. Recently at a test and tune event, I decided to take a few runs with my car on streets, WOW! what a difference. I couldn't control the car for jack. I'd never really pushed a car that hard on streets. Sure, I sometimes drive agressively when the situation permits on the street, but never this hard. Auto-Xing on street tires will teach you car control. You may even want to consider a set of Falken Azenis. While still a street tire, they provide a lot more grip than your typical street tire would. IMHO, they can be a great starter tire; a good comprimise IMHO.
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hmmmm...thats a very very good point. i do want to accelerate my learning curve as much as possible. i have been getting advice from a lot of the people at the events. another thing i am going to start doing is getting some of the veterans to run with me. also fun runs with them takin some seat time.

but yeah, R's as a crutch...definately could see that happening. thanks!
Go to as many events as you can, and talk to as many veterans as possible.... If you can, take your region's local Novice school, or an Evolution school...

If you can, ride along with the veterans as well. In many cases, they might not be able to TELL you what they are doing, but you can certainly learn from WATCHING them do it...
I have been autocrossing for about 35 years. Right now I am autocrossing in my MSP but I may go back to my 10AE Miata next year. If you do a search for autocross or autox you should find a lot of information. The best advice I can give you is walk the course, look ahead and find a local hot shoe to tutor you. If you can get as much seat time as possoble and work the course and watch where the fast driver put the car and how they get there. Notice I said fast drivers not fast cars. In the mean time make sure to have fun.
dolphin said:
I have been autocrossing for about 35 years. Right now I am autocrossing in my MSP but I may go back to my 10AE Miata next year. If you do a search for autocross or autox you should find a lot of information. The best advice I can give you is walk the course, look ahead and find a local hot shoe to tutor you. If you can get as much seat time as possoble and work the course and watch where the fast driver put the car and how they get there. Notice I said fast drivers not fast cars. In the mean time make sure to have fun.

I couldn't agree more. Walking the course to find your apparent line is the most important. Without the walk, you'll be blind in a sea of cones. Additionally, seat time is very important, if not only to learn the characteristics of your car.
Excitmnt94 said:
was wondering if anyone that checks out these forums frequently attends any Auto-X's. im always trying to get new people out to have some fun. if long have you been doing it...and...are you totally addicted yet?

I've done it once, 2 weeks ago. And I'm completely addicted.
i asked one of my friends...a definate veteran who wins over and over and over again to walk the course with me. he showed me lines...gave me advice...and it helped so much. he rode with me for the first run...and lets just say...that was the ABSOLUTE KEY. well that and seat time. i will be posting pics and all kinds of stuff on another thread...and i will provide a link when the rest is done. some time this evening. :D
I did it for 2 years out here in Winnipeg. I really liked it a lot, but I don't think I'll be doing it anymore just because I'm a little worried about the repeated racing will do on my car. If that kinda thing doesn't worry you then I recommend it to anybody that wants to get to know their car better.

I was able to take home the 1st place trophy for my class both years. For this year, I placed 2nd overall as well in PAX adjusted time which is just a modifier for evening out the classes so I was happy with that as well.

When I show up at events, I pretty much walk the course until I can close my eyes and imagine the lines I plan on taking through the entire course. Walk it with a veteran if you can, but also try to walk it once in complete solitude saying to yourself what you plan to do at certain sections.
I've done it just over a year but haven't been able to make all the events i wanted to. And yes I am addicted too. :) Ran HS this year and was pretty happy but there's still alot of learning for me. Don't know about next year though if going to stay in HS or move to STS.
First autox was 2 weeks ago, next one is the 23rd. I'm already addicted :) Can't wait for next season. I picked the wrong time to get into it, though. Next autox = last for this season.
