auto or stick?

Advantages of automatic:
-Easier to drive
-You can do your makeup while on the road

Advantages of manual:
-More fun
-Cheaper to buy & repair
-More fuel efficient
-Macho factor
-Increased car control
-Usually better resale (with this car)
toucci said:
Advantages of automatic:
-You can do your makeup while on the road
if you really wanna call that an advantage (boom07)
The biggest advantage of the auto is having your chick drive (edit: polish)your stick while the auto controls the car.............................................& on a side note for all the guys, don't forget that one month after valentine's day is steak & bj day, which is today. I got mine, go get yours.
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YellowSpeedInNY said:
i have that done to me numerous times and i was able to shif. so automatic fails
I said it was the biggest advantage of having an auto, not that you can't enjoy getting a bj & drive a stick at the same time. I too have enjoyed that numerous times but that is in my truck. Sometimes you just wanna not multitask doncha know. LOL. Riddle me this........So I'm driving along, she's busy sucking & my free hand is roaming over hill & valley while in the manual trans vehicle, then who's shifting? If you're lucky she's a multitasker too & will shift for you without ever missing a gear.
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i12drivemyMP5 said:
I said it was the biggest advantage of having an auto, not that you can't enjoy getting a bj & drive a stick at the same time. I too have enjoyed that numerous times but that is in my truck. Sometimes you just wanna not multitask doncha know. LOL. Riddle me this........So I'm driving along, she's busy sucking & my free hand is roaming over hill & valley while in the manual trans vehicle, then who's shifting? If you're lucky she's a multitasker too & will shift for you without ever missing a gear.

i would shift with my left hand when i do that, its a pain in the ass but it would be coold if she could shift for you, i hate getting a bj while driving because once i hit a pot hole and uh yeah i got bit a little, so i usually just stop the car somwhere secluded
TheBryGuy said:
stick....unless you spend a ton of time in traffic (notcool)

I commute and deal w/ jacked up traffic Mon - Fri.....I still would not trade my stick for nuttin. Every time I get frustrated I remember the fun I have jamming through gears.

Auto = no fun
My p5 is the first manual car I've owned, and I'll never go back to automatic myself. Its just too much fun being able to shift gears and being able to drive better as a result.
Too much fun = having more than 1 car at a time so choices are available at all times.
(werd) I have this dilemma every morning LOL

i12drivemyMP5 said:
Too much fun = having more than 1 car at a time so choices are available at all times.
chronus377 said:
My p5 is the first manual car I've owned, and I'll never go back to automatic myself. Its just too much fun being able to shift gears and being able to drive better as a result.
Knowing where you are at, where you are trying to go & how to monitor traffic at all times to maximize your options for congestion avoidance, as well as your vehicle's properties, are the things that make you a better driver. The limitations, or not, of your vehicle only change your ability to counteract all the negative forces acting upon you while on the road. No matter what the car has, it is limited, or not, by whose driving it.
This was my first stick car, I love it soo much better than auto. Its much more fun and for some reasons my lady friends like it ALOT. But thats just another advantage i guess...
If you like to drive then i would say stick all the way. I have drivin 2 auto cars and my new car is an 06 MS6 which is obviously a 6 speed manual and i dont think i will ever go back to an automatic unless i absolutley had to. Driving a stick shift car is so much more fun.
Stick all the way!!Like everyone said>more macho factor,better mpg,more control etc.The first stickshift car I drove was my dad's 89' Toyota Tercel HB,a 4spd and a cylinder ****** up at that.But once I learned,I never wanted an auto ever again(unless it was a luxury car).

Now w/ auto,it's good bc w/ most girls they only know automatic,so when you get drunk at a party,ur girlfriend can drive you home.