Auto or Manual?


Mazda Protege 5 2002
I've been hearing a lot lately that many racers are going from manual trans, to auto trans. I don't know much about this, but if any out there does, how about it? Auto or Manual?
I have an automatic.
5 speed - you can control your power better that way

Automatics would be easier to drive with turbochargers I think.

NASCAR and F1 cars I think mostly use paddle shifters nowadays, not a real stick and clutch anymore - is that what you mean by automatic?
Automatics are great for drag racing applications. That way you can get consistent times. However, you cannot launch as well with an automatic as you can a 5spd.
i also believe manual is better for racing...automatic racing is damn boring.
I went to an auto on my previous car - mainly 'cause it was a good price.....I've hated it for the last 2 years! - Hence the new P5, so I guess in that respect I liked the auto!!! LOL!
I always had a manual before and would tell anyone to go that route....If you can't drive a stick - learn!
You don't know what your missing!!!
If you want to get in your car and stick your foot down - and move.....go ride a go cart at the fair!!
My previous car was a '95 Chevrolet Corsica 3.1 litre V6 with 4-spd auto I inherited from my mom.

4th gear ratio of 0.71 and 6 cylinders with sequential port fuel injection and 70 series tires makes for a very smooth, comfortable and quiet highway driving experience.

But other than that, it wasn't really a driver's car. I would give it a 2 out of 10 in the "Fun-to-drive" category. I just don't have the heart to give my own car a zero.
As an owner of a "Sport" Auto Pro5 I am going to give you the same advice as most everyone else here. Unless you have a hideous commute go 5 Speed all the way.

I commute 35 miles each way every day in some of the worst traffic in the country, that's why I went with the sport auto, but I never expected this car would be as much fun to drive as it is, if I had it to do over again, I would strongly consider getting the manual and my next car (probably a 6 down the line) will in all likelyhood be a manual. I drove a 6s this past weekend with the 5 speed and oh do I ever wish I had one.

ACIDBBG, That is the worst personal site I have ever seen... you should put a warning of **may cause seizures** sorry dude. gotta be honest... Oh and a manual...
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No friggin question... Manual all the time, every time. Had an Auto for like 2wks in HS... damn that suk'd!!! (re-occurring nightmare)
Well, what I understand about the auto tranny is that its a lot smoother on aftermarket parts. However, I would perfer the manual or at least the squential shifter (is that the sport's auto?)