Apexi Piggy Back


MazdaSpeed Protege
Im getting a free Apexi Piggyback from a friend who had it on his 240sx he said its pretty universal but will it agree with the MSP?
It will probably work if you use a FlyinMiata O2 clamp, and of course if you wire everything correctly...My Greddy Emanage works fantastic. Don't know if anyone has ever tried the ApexI....
A couple guys could get the car running and maybe a tune iirc on it a while back, but the ecu would learn around the unit. This is prob at least 6-7 years years ago.
Read the F/IC thread. It will have exactly the same behavior. Many people claim that ECU's "learn around" piggy-backs without really understanding what that means.

AEM at least put some youtube videos online to help, but somehow even the people that designed it are misinformed and there are a few misleading directives.
Word. I did a quick search last night and found a for sale thread for an apexi unit and the guy had a p5 running one.
I guess most people want the smallest possible headache when installing a piggyback and the SSAFC is definitely the best option in that case.