anyone else drive from the backseat?


03.5 yellow msp
Everytime people see my car parked they asked if I have problems reaching the pedals because of how far back my seat is. Anyone else have the visual problem of there seat looking like it's in the back?


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im just tall so my seat is all the way back lol i reach tho its akward to see me inside and get in and out of the car lol
mountjonas said:
i saw a guy leaning back so far in his seat, his arm was hanging out of the rear door window.

haha, i see this crap all the time, but they don't drive a nice car... its like a 88 oldsmobile they do it on, with a duct taped on bumper.

I drive one click from the last setting on the seat as well, so my seat sits real far back too otherwise my legs hit the steering wheel.
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wow , thats pretty far back but whatever floats your boat bro. I'm a tall guy and I keep my seat slighty more upright. Car looks good
I think its because most of us are atleast 5'9" or 6' I am 6' so yeah I drive one notch before the seat is fully back, but i dont ghetto lean it. I get the comment that I'm too big for my car that I'm out of proportion but oh well. (shrug)
Can you touch the top of the steering wheel w/o leaning forward?

I'm 6'3" and have the seat in the last position...but I keep the seatback upright so I can still use the top half of the wheel.
yeah, my seat is has a slight lean away from it but my hand can wrap around the top of the sturrrrrin' wheel