Any photographers in here?

yeah if I did that, I'd want to go for aluminum. the rig is already getting heavy, especially with the magic arm and camera on the end of it. I don't want to be putting any more stress on the sheet metal. Pretty happy with the results from my $10 home depot conduit.
My boom is a little bit bouncy unfortunately, so I'll have to address that, but I'm pretty happy so far.

Adding suspension cable will stiffen it up. Like this.

yeah that looks ridiculous. I'm sure there is a better way. I'll figure it out. Thanks for the suggestions, guys.
shorter pole and mounting points closer to the camera.

Also try to mount the pole so that you dont have to make the magic arm so long. That will help with vibes for sure.
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I GOT IT!!!!!

a huuuuuge mobile platform so the background moves, and the car is on a treadmill-type thingy on top of the moving platform so the wheels can still portray the spinning effect that a slower shutter speed gives
Ok so I am still having trouble deciding on a camera......Its driving me nuts, soo many good reviews on both cameras. D3100 or sony A33.....AHHHHH.....The D3100 takes sick pictures even just with the kit lens. The A33 pics ive seen are amazing too. both 14 megapixels, the A33 is capable of 5fps and the D3100 is 3fps. bith similar in pricing with both the kit 18-55 and adding the 55-200 lens.
Ok so I am still having trouble deciding on a camera......Its driving me nuts, soo many good reviews on both cameras. D3100 or sony A33.....AHHHHH.....The D3100 takes sick pictures even just with the kit lens. The A33 pics ive seen are amazing too. both 14 megapixels, the A33 is capable of 5fps and the D3100 is 3fps. bith similar in pricing with both the kit 18-55 and adding the 55-200 lens.

Bite the bullet and pick one. What are your plans later? If it's just for leisure shooting, both are great choices. You'll never reach the potential of the hardware anyways unless you specialize in one specific subject matter that requires certain functions etc.
first try with my new rig:

XJ rolling by robertwsimpson, on Flickr

shooting a white car with noonday sun, not a cloud in the sky, with a slow enough shutter speed is HARD.

the rig:

image by robertwsimpson, on Flickr copied my rig. Anyways..your XJ's too low. Try different mounting points w/ the cups. Also..get a ND filter or a couple of them and a CPL so you can stack them and shoot in the day time.
Bite the bullet and pick one. What are your plans later? If it's just for leisure shooting, both are great choices. You'll never reach the potential of the hardware anyways unless you specialize in one specific subject matter that requires certain functions etc.

Yea just everyday shooting and cars, I go to a lot of car shows and events, and sports. My kids football and soccer games.
Yea its hard, I mean they both have great reviews and it seems the people telling you to get the Nikon are Nikon people and Same for the Sony so its hard, It does seem the Nikon is the better choice and Best Buy near me has the D3100 with 18-55 vr and 55-200VR with bag for 780!