Any "7th Heaven" fans?


A couple of weeks ago, I was out in Columbus, OH. for a business trip. Someone out there did a web search on me prior to my arrival. It made lunch conversation a bit more interesting, so I last night, I decided to do a little Googling of people in my past.

Turns out that someone I had a brief encounter with starred in the WB show 7th Heaven. Her name is Barret Swatek and the character was Cheryl. I've never watched the show, but am wondering if it was a major role or not. Anyone ever watch the show? Is she still on?

That's too bad. Hopefully she'll continue to work her way up. She was quite a character from what I recall. Definitely left an impression on me despite the brevity of our meeting.
i used to be friends with travis simons who guest starred on like 1 or 2 episodes...