Another solution to A/C compressor problems at fan speeds 2 and 3

Hi, I know, I am bringing up an old post....please don't kill me!

I am new here, I have been on ClubMazdaProtege for several years now. I have been reading a lot on this AC flickering problem on other posts on Mazda247.

I just wan't to know, If I change my HVAC with the revised version (The good one), will it fix the problem? ( Or is the problem still present even with the good module?

I dont know if pasadena_commut is still active on this forum, hope he or someone else can help me.

Thank you and sorry for my Medium English (Quebec!!)
So far it's worked for me 100% of the time. No flickering in 2 or 3. Feel free to post in that thread and ask as well :)
Yea, I read A lot in that thread and it seems to work way better than the other Fixes I saw up tp today! Might give it a try this Weekend. I'll keep you posted!

Is it normal that the light turns off like half a second between each level of fan? Live between 1-2, 2-3, 3-4??

If it is not normal, does this fix it??
I think it's normal for the light to flicker between fan speeds. I took my switch apart and found that the selector inside moves off of one speed setting then on to the next. In between the two, it is making no contact and the fan gets no power for a split second while switching. If you move it quickly enough you may not see a flash or conversely if you hold the switch firmly between speeds it may shut off entirely. (fan and AC light.)
I think it's normal for the light to flicker between fan speeds. I took my switch apart and found that the selector inside moves off of one speed setting then on to the next. In between the two, it is making no contact and the fan gets no power for a split second while switching. If you move it quickly enough you may not see a flash or conversely if you hold the switch firmly between speeds it may shut off entirely. (fan and AC light.)

Cool! Thnx