another meet but this time in CT

I saw this post... I'll be flying back from Austria otherwise I'd go. I've been to that Hooters a few times. I think they have a car show every Friday night. Lots of older cars. Just a side note for anyone who lives in CT.

Tomorrow is the meet. Hope to see everyone there tomorrow at 1pm. Hoping for a bigger turnout than last year.
hey whats the deal? Sorry. I will be in CT this weekend. I will try to stop by. Location and time?
gotcha. I'll see if I can stop by. I'll be visiting folks. I remember where the hooters is. Look like a good turn out?
Ha. I have no idea about this thing. There are like 3 people trhat said they would go but that was a few weekes ago and they prob forgot. It should be interesting. I am going to try to clean the car up in the morning and head up there. If nothing else there is a good burger joint uip there I am told that steams burger instead of grilling. so that could be different
sorry, just saw this...would have loved to come...maybe next time....take some pics for us!
Well, that was wasted fuel. no one showed. Hopefully someone else will have luck setting up something with CT cars