alignment problems

does anyone had any problem with the alignment on the p5, i took mine to the dealer they suppostly fix it but still pulling to the left.
If the alignment has been set to factory specs check your tires for wear and tire pressure. if one side is off on pressure it'll pull...and if you notice that the left side of the tire is worn more on the outside of the tread than the middle or the inside thats probably the culprit. Since you just had it done I'd give it a few hundred miles for the tire wear to adjust and then check again.
something to think about.....the road your car "pulling" to the right? make sure you are REALLY on a flat road/surface....MOST roads are "crowned" which means they are really higher in the center than at the sides...there is a slight slope....which makes water run off of them when it rains insted of standing on them....this slope will make your car want to drift to the right if you let go of the steering wheel.
But if he's pulling to the left (as he says) on crowned roads, likely he HAS a problem.

What caused you to "need" an alignment in the first place?? Did you hit something??

Possibly the tech just aligned the car as close as he could get it, and you've got something in the suspension which is bent. If you can recall a bad run-in with a curb or a pot hole, I'd suspect that possibly something is damaged.

papa_smurf071 said:
no i have not hit anything since a bought the car is was pulling to the left.

OOPS!! excuse have to understand I am working I sorta MISSED that tid bit of information in the first post...

yep....if its pulling left...there is certainly something wrong....

take it back to your dealer....if they TRY to tell you that its fine and won't do anything....get LOUD....MAKE them put a mechanic in the car WITH YOU and take a drive....SHOW THEM that its messed up....there is NO WAY that the car should pull to the left. that is unless you are on a race track with banked corners! lol but I would be guessing you are not. do not allow them to just put your car on a machine and then tell you its fine.....take them for the ride....SHOW THEM. that evidence is undenyable....AND IF they tell you they can't do anything about it....go directly from the service managers office to the OWNERS OFFICE....and demand satisfaction.....if that don't work.....keep taking it back till you have had it in at leas three times for the same problem and if its still not fixed......file a claim under the Magnuson_Mann act (lemon law) and you can get your money back for the otherwords THEY will have to buy it back.
Don't take offence but, how heavy are you?

I worked in shops where I did the occasional alignment, and on more than one occasion, to get some cars to go straight, I had to align them with the driver sitting in it. These were very large people though.
Papa..I have noticed some of the same left pulling issues, but I have not yet taken it in to be looked at. I also noticed that my steering wheel looks a little off center..shifted slightly to the right but that may just be me :) which means it may really be pulling to the left. I am used to my wife's can take your hands off the wheel and it stays straight as a arrow..this car doesn't but at least it isn't like my old chevy that I had to force the wheel to keep the car running straight.
yes the my steering wheel is out of center to is to the right, for the guy who ask about my weight is 174 pounds. i am taking it tomorrow :mad:
Let me know what they tell you as I might need to take mine in before too long...the car still drives fine and handles great but I have noticed these issues. You have me worried now :(
mine does too!!!!!!!!!!! and i noticed on a flat surface (mygarage) my car is slightly tilted to the driver side (left from behind) WTF!!!!!!! i even put a level on it and the bubble said it was tilted too, also when i am driving on a VERY flat (freshly paved) road it pulls to the left and also on crowned roads,
papa_smurf071 said:
does anyone had any problem with the alignment on the p5, i took mine to the dealer they suppostly fix it but still pulling to the left.

I have my Protege 5 since 2 month and i noticed that it's pulling to the left too, i have put my winter tires and it does the same thing, so i will see my dealer to correct this.

Funny this should come up. I just noticed last night that the car was pulling to the left. First time it has happend since I got it. I have put 3,200 miles on it, haven't hit any potholes or curbs. I checked the tire pressure and the front tires were way out of balance, right front was at 35psi and left front was at 30psi. I'll be paying close attention to it here to see if it still pulls after fixing the tire pressure.

I did see the service department at my dealer and they said that, one alignment is covered under warranty within the first 12k miles. So if fixing the tire pressure doesn't do it, I'll be back in to the dealer.

Also, it was colder last night then it had been previously when I drove it. Driving in California the temperatures are pretty mild, but it's getting cooler at nights now, could this affect it all?
hi there, my p5 pulls to the right and it is completely ruining my tires, the inside of both my new tires are balding. What should I do?
Pickledoe said:
hi there, my p5 pulls to the right and it is completely ruining my tires, the inside of both my new tires are balding. What should I do?

From your sig: HKS lowering Springs

If you didn't have the alignment done after you installed these, that is likely your culprit. More than likely the camber is probably off as well. Take it to an alignment shop and they could tell you. Good luck. :)
well guys i went today to the dealer the spend around 3 hour train to find out what is was wromg but finally figure out it was the left tire, they order it today. so who ever has this problem take it to the dealer they should fix it for free untill you hit the 12,000 miles, i let you guys know it the new tire fix the problem. :confused:
update on my leftward pulling P5.

After evening out the air pressure in the front two tires it drove much straighter tonight. Still a hint of pull to the left but not too bad. I am gonna wait a while and see if it gets worse and if it does I'll take into the dealer before the 12,000 miles is up for my one free alignment.
hey guys anybody who know anyone with the same problem write in here cause i am going to print this and take it to the dealership to see who can answer why all thgis people have the exact same problems in the p5.
I had this problem at around ~11,000 miles. I took it into mazda, and they balanced and gave me an alignment under warranty. The problem has not returned, but I noticed that roads that are even slightly crowned will make the car pull in that direction. Oh yeah, I rotate my tires every 3,500 miles as well, if that matters. Good luck with your problem!