Actuator Install Help


2003 Mazda Protege5
Hello everyone! Recently the actuator on the rear driver side of my car fried so I ordered a new one from Mazda ($50). Anyone have any tips or advice before I attempt to open my door up and try to install it? Has anyone done this before? Is taking apart the door easy?
it depends on how handy you are with your hands...changing mine took me about 2 hours with 2 beer brakes. But be very careful not to damage your rods inside your door if you bend them to much your door will not work properly. on a scale from 1 to 10 this is a 5, so you can do it yourself just be patient.

Good luck
alright, i finally got down to doing it! finished in about an hour. It was actually pretty easy.

1. Unscrew and unmount door handle cover, and then the door.
2. Remove or cut the plastic covering the big 'hole area'. (careful with that black goo of death. touching it means death)
3. Unscrew 2 golden screws in the inside of that 'hole area' that is attached to the actuator. It is towards the back end of the door away from the hinge.
4. Unplug the actuator and repeat steps 1-3 in reverse order!

Sounds confusing but it's actually very easy.
Sorry, didn't take any pics.
My front driver's door actuator recently got fried too. I'm pretty hesitant on doing it myself after openning the door panel and looking down where the actuator is, it kinda looks hard. But I will give it a shot. You bought your acuator for $50, I got a quote of $95 from Did you get your from the dealer? Or is the front ones just more expensive?
FastPro22 said:
My front driver's door actuator recently got fried too. I'm pretty hesitant on doing it myself after openning the door panel and looking down where the actuator is, it kinda looks hard. But I will give it a shot. You bought your acuator for $50, I got a quote of $95 from Did you get your from the dealer? Or is the front ones just more expensive?

they're all the same. one of my friends works at the Acura dealer and knows the people at Mazda so I got hooked up. :)

it's easy to install. shouldn't be a problem.