2010 Mazda5 clutch engagement point


Mazda 5
Hi there - looking to join the Mazda5 family and have a question for you regarding the clutch engagement point on the 2009/10 Mazda5s. I test drove my first 5 yesterday and was surprised at the clutch engagement point: very high off the floor, estimating 80% near the top of the pedal travel. Is this normal for these cars? The car was a low milleage 2010 model and was immaculate otherwise. No slipping, no griding in any gear. Generally the pedal movement was light/soft and the clutch take up point was not jerky/small range. Coming from years of driving manual cars, I expected a mid-point in the pedal travel. A friend who owned a 2005 Mazda3 recalls the clutch in that car being nearer to the floor, roughly 25-50% from the floor. Different car, different year: I get it. I then read an article online about the 2010 Mazda3, and the journalist also mentioned that particular model also suffered from a very high release point. So what is your take? Is this the nature of the beast, or does it sound like the car I drove is in need of clutch work?
I've never driven the Mz5 in stick but i have owned an MS6 and currently own an MS3 (and have driven other MS3's) and all have/had relatively high clutch engagement. When i first drove either car it was immediately noticeable but now it seems totally normal. Go to a dealer and test drive a brand new MS3 and see how you feel it compares to the 5 you drove...
Also high on my 2012 Mazda5. But it's nowhere near 80%. That doesn't sound normal IMO.
Hi there - looking to join the Mazda5 family and have a question for you regarding the clutch engagement point on the 2009/10 Mazda5s. I test drove my first 5 yesterday and was surprised at the clutch engagement point: very high off the floor, estimating 80% near the top of the pedal travel. Is this normal for these cars?

Hate to confirm it but I kinda think it is. I had an 08 with a stick and the clutch just never felt like it should. The amount of travel, even when new, from the floor to initial engagement felt long. The rest of the travel to full engagement always seemed way to high. I'd driven cars with clutches getting ready to go and that it what it always felt like to me.
My 09 is the same way- I got used to it after a while. Each one of my vehicles is wildly different on engagement point, so I stopped trying to figure out a way to correct the 5's engagement point. :(
My 09 is the same way- I got used to it after a while. Each one of my vehicles is wildly different on engagement point, so I stopped trying to figure out a way to correct the 5's engagement point. :(

I have a gen 2 Mazda 5 and I have no problem with the clutch at all. It is very progressive.

Bite point at the top of pedal is usually the sign of trouble.
What I'm able to find is that there is no adjustment. In the RX and MS6 there is an adjustment rod...there are a lot of discussions about the fixed rod...but I could not find any results.

I had a 2011 madza3 and it released at the top also...
I did find a humorous (at least for me) temporary fix...see below...(toilet)

I will check with some mechanics I know about a fix.
I have a gen 2 Mazda 5 and I have no problem with the clutch at all. It is very progressive.

Bite point at the top of pedal is usually the sign of trouble.

True, but I've been through the entire clutch system of my 5 (changed the clutch myself) and found no issues.