18's pwdr coated black


2002 Black Mica ES-T
allright well i just got my rims back from powder. they are 18 in sokudo's powdercoated gloss black. now i just have to re-polish the lip and decide what rubber i am going to run
anyway enjoy

haha the wheel company you bought them from is gonna steal your idea and sell for ridiculous prices
lol, ya i like the rims are styled but hated the light gunmetal color so i decided to change it to gloss black the right way and not paint it.
nice i wanna powder coat my rims as well stupid company i bought them from sent me the wrong color how they got gunmetal confused with bronze i'll never know but either way rims look great
Very nice! I am having my stockers powdercoated gloss black as I write this. Hopefully, I'll have them back within a week or so.
Protephile said:
Very nice! I am having my stockers powdercoated gloss black as I write this. Hopefully, I'll have them back within a week or so.
where'd you have yours done? I'm looking for a good powdercoater close by. If' yours comes out good I might try them. they prep and paint?
Very nice Joka! How much did it set you back to get that done and how long did it take man?

inquiring minds have to know :D
Look like mine! Ha ha j/k....I have 17" Sokudos, but didn't have the cash to powdercoat, so I had them painted instead.

Lookin good

vindication said:
where'd you have yours done? I'm looking for a good powdercoater close by. If' yours comes out good I might try them. they prep and paint?

I'll let you know if I like them when I get them back---but I had to ship them out of state...
same thing I am wondering cause I plan to get my 18's done

Michigan sucks I have tried 3 places and none of the knobs call me back (argh)

laracroft said:
NO ONE'S ANS THE QUESTION??? How much should something like this cost???
I think it's around $80/wheel, but I'm not sure. My boyfriend had his mp3 wheels powdercoated, and I think that's what he paid. That could be what the shop normally charges, or it could be what he paid, I'm not sure. (They were done by his brother-in-law's dad.) But, it'll also vary from place to place.