12000k HID

Guys, *ANYTIME YOU HAVE COLOR* (whether through gas, a coat, a headlight lens overlay) it will cut down on the amount of whiteness and thusly the amount of USABLE LIGHT. I'm not trying to debate this but at the same time, I don't want a bunch of people buying purple kits thinking they can see better than pure white HIDs. It won't happen.
I was never implying that the purple does take off a couple 100 lumens but lightoutput is still much much higer then stock. I went with purple instead of blue beause I iddn't have to have any trouble with the chicago police who have a habbit of pulling cars over for bluelights.
Blue lights? The Chicago police will pull people over for anything from what I've seen..

"Um, excuse me sir, you were driving.."
"I'm gonna have to ticket you for that."
Thats true, a salt truck ran my friends del sol off the road into a poll and the cop kept telling him he should be street racing and is it worth all this.
N2OInferno said:
Blue lights? The Chicago police will pull people over for anything from what I've seen..

"Um, excuse me sir, you were driving.."
"I'm gonna have to ticket you for that."
eh, almost all of my encounters with the CPD have been very good. only one dickbag gave me a ticket, but he didnt even show up at court, so all in all i have no beef with them.
I just don't like most cops period. When I went to visit my brother the first time he was arrested the cops treated me like I should be in jail too. They were very rude and just total jerks about everything. When they messed the list up and we didn't get called up they got mad and said it was our fault.

Another time I reported felony theft (on my brother, long story, never gonna visit again!) and the cop straight out told me "well you know my sister stole stuff from me when I was little. I never tried putting her in jail for it." And even though he wrote the report up and everything, it was never even filed. I never heard from him again. Apparently they contacted my brother who said "I didn't do it" and they believed him although he had multiple felonies on his record at the time.

Another cop pulled me over and said I had no regard for other people and I was being an asshole when I got pulled over right after I bought my 2000 Celica GT-S. Yeah I was speeding a bit, maybe like 6 or 7 over. Resulted in a warning.

Got pulled over for absolutely nothing at 2:30 AM back when I had my Mustang GT. They even went so far as calling in a detective and K9 unit and I stood outside freezing with my friends that were in the car too as they searched the car. All in all four cops showed up. All because I had been "doing 45 in a 35" when I and everyone else in the car knew damn well I was doing UNDER 35. Another warning.

Every time I've been pulled over they make a smartass comment about my radar detector and how I shouldn't have wasted money on it. I then tell them I didn't, it was a gift. I got a ticket for doing 11 over, just going along with traffic and I had the lowered Celica with exhaust at the time. Who else would he pick? He said "so your radar detector doesn't work does it?" I told him it was unplugged. He didn't seem very happy to hear that response.

I have had a couple of good experiences with cops though. One time I had to fill out a report the officer was very polite and understanding. Another time when I was visiting a prison again the cop was very nice. Sadly enough, those are really the only two times.

And then I lost my license for getting two speeding tickets within 2 years while I'm under 21.. It's funny how most people lose it for three months or so.. Mine's gone for a year. I might as well have had a DUI. Pretty much same penalty.. But that's the stupid IL law's fault, not the cops.

My second ticket was 90 in a 65 in Indiana. The cop seemed pissed but calmed down very quickly and just told me to slow down and be careful and he gave me my ticket and drove away. I couldn't believe it was only 100 bucks.

EDIT: Sorry for the thread jack. :)
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I was pulled over 3 times in one week for no front plate but never for my lights. One time I was getting my book bag out of my car at school and a (school) cop tells me to sit back in the car. He asks what happened to my front plate and why is my car keyed, did I owe someone money or make someone made. I'm kept telling him it didn't even happen when I was drving it, it happend when my dad borrowed my car to go to the grocercy store.

Any way, lets not get started in telling bad cop storys as this thread would get hijacked with a quickness. :)