Help with driver side window partial roll up


Hello. New to the forums. I have been searching for about an hour now for info on this topic & I am stuck. If this has already been addressed I apologize.

I drive a 2010 Mazda CX-9 Grand Touring.

This morning I rolled my driver side window down to enter a code on a gate box. I thought I heard a click noise as it went down but thought nothing of it. As I go to roll it back up, it comes up just a bit (maybe an inch or two) & then rolls back down.

I have tried rolling it up normally & tried with the auto setting. I have done the auto window reset. I have turned the car off & on. I sat out there and played with it for awhile & still am. It will not come up any further.

Any ideas? Any fixes? Any help? Thanks.
Well no one has replied to this but we found the problem & fixed it but now this morning none of my power windows or power mirrors work. So who the hell knows.
Well no one has replied to this but we found the problem & fixed it but now this morning none of my power windows or power mirrors work. So who the hell knows.

Sorry to hear. Regulator / motor caused fused to blow perhaps?
Well no one has replied to this but we found the problem & fixed it but now this morning none of my power windows or power mirrors work. So who the hell knows.

The window regulators are a known trouble spot on these cars. I've replaced all of mine at this point.

Recheck the electrical connection on the window switch block on the driver's side door. If that plug is loose nothing will work.

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