alternator replacement

Hey, I just had an episode with my 2006 mazda5. All my dash lights came on, lost power steering... classic case of a dying alternator. (my battery light has been on for months too, i just ignored it)

I would like to avoid going to my local dealership, they are clowns and ripped me off when i had door problems last winter

I am mechanically inclined and would like to do it myself. Where can i find some steps in terms of replacing it? Any help would be great!

shouldn't be too hard... automatic tensioner on the belt, so adjustments to be made after the fact. probably only a couple of bolts and a wiring connection. i would imagine it would be simple and straight forward once you get in there. go get a new one, and have at it.
thanks for the reply, but i was hoping for something a little more concrete... ;)

so, automatic tensioner... i would not have known that. I was reading on the mazda3 forum, since our engines are pretty similar, that it was held in place with a couple bolts top and bottom, loosen the bolts and the belt will come off. but if its automatically tensioned, i dont know what that would mean to me.