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  1. B

    OMG! Power Windows not working! READ THIS BEFORE POSTING

    Wannabe>>>>>>You are deifintely .." gold" thks for teh tip..saved me a trip to the NUT house<<:-)
  2. B

    OMG! Power Windows not working! READ THIS BEFORE POSTING!

    Wannabe>>>>>>You are deifintely .." gold" thks for teh tip..saved me a trip to the NUT house<<:-)
  3. B

    windows stopped working

    OO man this is a great Post ..thnks all.. Mshreve...great
  4. B

    Power Window Problem

    Power windows...Just replaced my battery and " NOW" the passenger ..window ..cannot be operated from the driver side..BUT ..can be operated on teh passenger side switch..anyone have any similiar ..expereinces??..any info would be much appreciated.. thnks
  5. B

    Power Window Problem

    Humm had the same after repalcing my battery<<..the passenger switch does'nt respond...anyone with any ..helpful thnks :-)
  6. B

    How To: headlight black out for P5!

    Great job , well detailed with the pic's...defintely a GREAT how compliments!
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    My retrofit headlights

    Nicely done..
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    How-To: Home Depot (HD) Lip

    well done...
  9. B

    DIY head/tail tint

    Nightshades are the best results..I agree..the LaminX and Oracle..was the same " bad " ending..Thumbs up for those whom had better luck..