MSP with mud guards?


03 Mazdaspeed Protege
Anybody have mud guards installed to their MSP? I know there are black OEM Protege mud guards, do those fit MSP? I'm just wondering how it looks...probably ugly though...
i did rallyarmor flaps on my msp and the backs are so damn big had to take them off, just made the small rear end of the protege look dumb. still have them on the front where they really matter and they look good.

i did rallyarmor flaps on my msp and the backs are so damn big had to take them off, just made the small rear end of the protege look dumb. still have them on the front where they really matter and they look good.

Do you guys have pictures of the flaps on your car? If you do mind sharing? :) Thanks! I want to see what it looks like on MSP.
Bump!^^ I wanna see pics! I went all the way and bought a set of rallyarmour universal mud flaps and I just really wanna see what they are gonna look like and how exactly you set them! They have been sitting in my garage for months just waiting for me!
Nobody said it was? I'm sure half of the evo's and sti's that have them are so well kept they've never even seen mud! It's a look, and it would protect the paint! Geez buzz kill..

I would smoke pretty much and subaru out when i would rally.... Just gotta be comfortable with driving your msp in that stuff. So mudflaps came in handy for me.
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Just got my mudflaps installed. I like them. They make the car look like it has a lower and wider stand. I also checked my mpg several times to see if it affected my gas mileage and it turns out it doesn't. I still average about 28-30 combined.

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