leveling control for HIDs no longer works


The title says it all. The leveling control used to work but now it doesn't. Does anyone know about the circuit or anything I might check. I doubt if a fuse would be dedicated to this as the two motors are very small. Maybe it is a BCM issue. I asked the shop if they had seen this problem before and of course they said that they never had incountered that problem. Of course most people probably never adjust it anyway and would not no if it worked or not.
reply on the leveling control

This not driven by the BCM. The same fused 12V are being used as for the lights. So if the lights work the fuse should be good. Maybe you leveling switch has a problem(or the connection to the switch) attached information can help to diagnose


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Thanks for the reply. I can't figure out how to get behind the switch to check the connector. Maybe I should just live with it.
Back from the dead. I'm a new member. I have this problem as well. The stealer (dealer) told us it was the headlight motors and it is about $1,100 each!! I told them to pound sand and left. I am going to take it apart and see what the real issue is. For $2,200 I could buy a whole new car...lol. please let me know if anyone else has a fix for this that I am unaware of. The dealer is saying the motor is attached to the headlight assembly, which I find very odd. Thanks for any help.

Being in the insurance industry, I have a similar story to share: We had a claim with a Civic where the end of the shifter rod was damaged (the rod that connects the automatic shifter under your hand on the auto trans to the trans) and Honda told the customer that they needed a new trans. (vehicle had 9k miles). We (insurance) took it to a certified transmission shop and they fixed it, they simply replaced the shifter rod. (this did require taking the trans apart, but was no big deal).
Dealers/service departments do not take things apart, they simply tell you to replace an entire assembly because they are stupid like that.