Painted MSP Raido/Center Console


MSP No. 970
I was reading on the "How to" section on how to remove and paint your interior pieces, and let me tell you those stupid little white snap clips in the inside are a pain in the balls to unclip. But needless to say i got it all off and painted up prety nice compared to the nasty off gray color that was all scuffed and looking pretty bad. I just wanted to post these snap shots and see what others in Mazda world thought. Cant afford the $$ for a CF kit, so i take pride in doing things my self when they turn out good, tell me what ya think.....LATER!!!


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I'm not feeling it!
The stock looks a lot better, but that's just me.
If your happy with go with it!! :)
MP3intheSTL said:
I'm not feeling it!
The stock looks a lot better, but that's just me.
If your happy with go with it!! :)

not my stock, i bought the car w/ a gutted interior (stolen) and totally ****** the center console and radio area. Almost looked like paint thinner was poored over top of it....but im satisfied considering i just recently dumped my cash into the suspension and FMIC, and cant afford much else but a couple cans of aerosol as a cover not doing so hot here am i? lol
Hey, I hear ya, my center console is scratched a little from stereo work, still haven't figured out what I'm gonna do yet.
My opinion is it looks like crap....The stripes look like a poor attempt at making something out of nothing....It looks much better in silver.....That and the fact that I can see dirt in the pics only tells me what it must look like in person....Sorry man but it gets a nay from me.
Start over and make it one color to start with.Use a base color that requires a clear.
Pick you color, sand the center section down with a 400-600 grit wet/dry paper using the wet technique. Clean and let dry.Tape off the Fake CF sides carefully using the dip as a guide...make sure both sides are taped evenly....Spray your color on the center using multiple light coats. Let dry about an hour or so after final base coat...Remove tape and lightly and carefully scuff the CF section ONLY with a green synthetic cleaning pad....Scotch brite if you will. Scuff lightly and then wipe down with windex. Let dry about 10 minutes to make sure the windex has evaporated. Begin clearing with a light mist coat ,followed about 10-15 minutes later by a slightly heavier coat,repeat this 10 minutes later,and then again 10 minutes later laying a medium wet coat on....Let dry..VOILA!
Now it looks awesome!
Let it cure for about 24 hours or so and you can rub the piece with a mild rubbing and buffing compound from you local autoparts store....well worth the effort for all of me.
well back to the drawing board then, b/c im certainly not batting a thousand