Off Topic So slow I'm ashamed...

Our son still has dreams of building a new rig with a full case. In the meantime he has fallen down the keyboard rabbit hole. After buying the Razer, he went out and bought a Mini Razer and then stumbled across custom keyboards. He is now on his third which is an Akko Mod007 with Akko CS silver switches. He is constantly showing us videos comparing the sounds to see which we like better. lol

At the moment he is trying to get us to fund a fourth build. He has even pulled the "I will build it for you to use at the office" card.
So far, my build soldiers on, half a decade after I began this thread, roughly. A few weeks ago I did another performance test. Yes, it still slaps. A few years back I pulled the 1080GTX out and put in a 1080Ti, and swapped the 500W PSU for an 850W PSU. Otherwise, just enjoyed the rig.
Our son still has dreams of building a new rig with a full case. In the meantime he has fallen down the keyboard rabbit hole.
Wait wait wait... a 4th build?!?! LOL!!! What is this dude playing?!? PLEASE TELL ME ROCKET LEAGUE!
(In case dad doesn't get the joke: you could play Rocket League on a potato)
(In case dad doesn't get "potato": its what gamers call a slow and old computer [or phone])

I'll benchmark mine this weekend, Unob. ;)
Wait wait wait... a 4th build?!?! LOL!!! What is this dude playing?!? PLEASE TELL ME ROCKET LEAGUE!
(In case dad doesn't get the joke: you could play Rocket League on a potato)
(In case dad doesn't get "potato": its what gamers call a slow and old computer [or phone])

I'll benchmark mine this weekend, Unob. ;)
Yes fourth keyboard build...which I am not funding. lol He builds one, plays on it for awhile and then wants to try a different style with different switches. I know that his go to at the moment is Apex and he just downloaded COD Modern Warfare to play the campaign.

Thanks for the lesson, would have never known what you meant by "potato". :ROFLMAO:
When we playing ANYTHING together guys?!?! :D
Start a clan/club/guild: M247 :D

One drawback to buying Bronze PSU... no resale value. Man I can't give this thing away. Anyone want 700W Bronze PSU? Just pay shipping at this point.

I did some prelim shopping for processor. Was SHOCKED to see the price difference between Microcenter and BestBuy.
One processor, exactly the same, was $150 cheaper at MC. Another was $80 cheaper.
Exact same.
Can't make up my mind between an 11Gen and use current memory v a 12G and getting DDR5.
DDR5 is obviously the future, but honestly, RAM isn't going to make or break a gaming experience. I remember reading a comparison between 2400 and 3200ms RAM in FPS, and it was something like 1-3fps, depending on the game during heavy usage. So long as you have enough, you're fine. Games are leveraging it more though, and I'd recommend 16 as a bare minimum.
OK now you both are talking to me like I'm a noob here.
UserBenchmark is very uhh...not the most legit thing there
As my mom used to say "No S$%# Sherlock". But I am curious what my numbers will be compared to Unob. Me and my one gen older CPU with a much newer GPU.

DDR5 is obviously the future, but honestly, RAM isn't going to make or break a gaming experience. I Games are leveraging it more though, and I'd recommend 16 as a bare minimum.
Of course. DDR5 has even been shown to not really help much at all for specifically gaming. What I've read anyway.
But this will be my last upgrade for awhile and if I am going to go 12th Gen I might as well go with the newest memory. The cost difference isn't that great I don't think but I haven't checked lately. Availability is still pretty slim.
16 is absolutely what any gamer should be running today. Pretty sure there's only one game out there now that even can take advantage of more (MS Flight Sim).
DDR5 is obviously the future, but honestly, RAM isn't going to make or break a gaming experience. I remember reading a comparison between 2400 and 3200ms RAM in FPS, and it was something like 1-3fps, depending on the game during heavy usage. So long as you have enough, you're fine. Games are leveraging it more though, and I'd recommend 16 as a bare minimum.
There's a guy on the RDX forum with your same name. He claims he doesn't know how to format a flash drive and doesn't understand why they zip large files for downloading. He wants an "Easy" button. :D You surely can't be one and the same.
OK now you both are talking to me like I'm a noob here.

As my mom used to say "No S$%# Sherlock". But I am curious what my numbers will be compared to Unob. Me and my one gen older CPU with a much newer GPU.

Of course. DDR5 has even been shown to not really help much at all for specifically gaming. What I've read anyway.
But this will be my last upgrade for awhile and if I am going to go 12th Gen I might as well go with the newest memory. The cost difference isn't that great I don't think but I haven't checked lately. Availability is still pretty slim.
16 is absolutely what any gamer should be running today. Pretty sure there's only one game out there now that even can take advantage of more (MS Flight Sim).
Oh for sure, I was mentioning that more for Uno. I take anything from UserBenchmark with a grain of salt. I'm not sure how they evaluate and rate a given rig given their known hardware biases.

As for DDR5, its the same as any other time a new memory standard is introduced. The first stuff that comes out is super expensive and no better than a mature kit of the current standard, in this case DDR4. Give it a year or two. But it is absolutely the future.

Yeah 12th gen is a good path to go if you need to update platforms. If I had to buy a new motherboard, cpu, ram at this time I would totally go Intel right now. Socket should get one more gen with 13th en Raptor Lake and DDR5 will only continue to mature.

16GB is all you need, but there are caveats. If you are the kind of person that has a hundred browser tabs open at the same time for example, I'd get 32GB. I know a couple people like this. I am not one of them. :D

I did opt to just grab a 32GB kit with my newest build, but that's mainly because it was a good deal and figured that would last me many years should I go 5+ years like I did with my last rig.
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There's a guy on the RDX forum with your same name. He claims he doesn't know how to format a flash drive and doesn't understand why they zip large files for downloading. He wants an "Easy" button. :D You surely can't be one and the same.
Totally am. I am an absolute luddite with that stuff, but I did muddle my way into downloading in 5.1 96 FLACC the entire Amerika album by Rammstein, so there's that.

Every 8-10 years, I deep-dive into PC's and learn allll there is to know so that I can have a proper rig built. Then I go back into my burrow of cars/nods/guns/ammo/lifting and jujitsu, lol! I am not a tech guy AT ALL. I just have to be sometimes.
The main issue was actually finding 5.1 flac music files. After that, it was converting the rar to flac. Just a royal annoyance. I thought there could be a easier way. No.
The main issue was actually finding 5.1 flac music files. After that, it was converting the rar to flac. Just a royal annoyance. I thought there could be a easier way. No.
I can assume you weren't into DVD-A and SACD. Both formats are considered high res lossless formats. DVD-A contained three layers. Two were lossless, stereo (2.0) and multichannel (5.1). The stereo layer was usually higher res, up to 192/24, while the 5.1 layer was up to 96/24. The third was DD 5.1, which is a lossy compressed format used on regular DVD players for movies. SACD was originally just a 2.0 format, but shifted after DVD-A started gaining traction. That pretty much put DVD-A out of business, which was sad.

I was deep into it back in the early 2000's. I have over 100 discs in these formats. Disc's could be expensive, but worth it in my mind. I've since been able to copy all over to FLAC. My way was much more complicated than what you're doing. I needed to find a specific Sony Blu-ray player to convert the SACD's. DVD-A's were much less complicated.

Bottom line. 5.1 encoded music is RARE. There were only so many that were reengineered to multichannel. Some are better than others, as some were remastered just to say they were. Good luck with your search. Since your RDX can decode multichannel FLAC, it's well worth the effort.
I feel fortunate to have lucked onto the 96/24 full Rammstein album! I am looking for some trance/techno, but asked of Bjork and Goldfrappe, have not found any.
I now have everything I need to get started on my build except, ironically, distilled water which seems to be completely unobtanium around here and is needed for my water loop prep and radiator cleaning (in combination with a Mayhems Blitz kit).

Hoping I can get started this weekend. Started a build log here. Not sure if allowed to link to other forums or not? Anyway, looking forward to this.
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