The Ohio Random Thread... aka We Should Probably Be Working

If they want Sports Car racing to be bigger than a niche market, they need to do something. Bigger purses, more racing, more exposure. Sports car racing could never over take Nascar in popularity, but it could over take the IRL as a good alternative for people tired of or don't enjoy seeing only left turns every weekend.

I'm not saying the larger race schedule would or should happen overnight. The officials have a lot of work to do still with the merger because it's been a pretty awful racing so far IMO. But it would be nice to think they want growth as opposed to survival.

NASCAR is on the decline, Indy car is on the decline as well! The cost and expense is way up with the merger! Tracks are raising prices, the cost of the series is going crazy.....I think it cost six figures to enter a Prototype in the Rolex 24, that does not incluse the cost of transportation, crew, tires, fuel, equipment! These teams are spending a week or more at the track, depending on if they're testing or not. Conti has signed a 4 year deal with IMSA, so they'll keep the CTSCC going......teams are complaig aboiut 5 races in a two month period!
Grand-Am bailed out ALMS, you know the NASCAR Money for all intent and purposes. The problem as I see it is the they way it is marketed here. In Europe, with the DTM, BTCC, V8 Supercars, etc they have huge followings and they are marketed as the only game in town! USCC does not do that and then the go to these venues like Kansas, Belle Isle and Indy! When you combine your series with another one and hold your race on a Friday, how do you expect to grow? If you act 2nd Tier, you become 2nd tier!

Get the fans back in the game! IMSA does not let the fans grid the race any more, big mistake as we used to get families with kids to do this and they had a blast, they felt like they belonged and were a part of something! Bring back The Speed Channel or get new producers or the bring back the production staff from Speed! FOX's Coverage, sucks, plain and simple. The annoucers are great, even though Leigh Diffey is gone, but the overall production quality is way down!

Invest more time, money and promote the Conti Series! The GS and ST Classes provide just as much, if not more excitement thant the Tudor Series. We can relate to these cars, because they are more like what we drive daily. If they IMSA stopped treating this series like a red-headed stepchild, I feel the series will grow.

Lastly, add some incentive to the big Endurance Races, get the Euro's to come over for a Million Dollar Bonus if the sweep the Rolex 24, 12 Hours of Sebring and the 6 Hours of the Glen......would love to see the Audi and Toyota Factory teams come over and play! I doubt that the powers that be will lsten, but it is my dream hat they will think way outside the box!

NASCAR is on the decline, Indy car is on the decline as well! The cost and expense is way up with the merger! Tracks are raising prices, the cost of the series is going crazy.....I think it cost six figures to enter a Prototype in the Rolex 24, that does not incluse the cost of transportation, crew, tires, fuel, equipment! These teams are spending a week or more at the track, depending on if they're testing or not. Conti has signed a 4 year deal with IMSA, so they'll keep the CTSCC going......teams are complaig aboiut 5 races in a two month period!

From these 2 posts I gathered one important piece of information, we should taker over IMSA.
Safety is also a mayor problem, IMSA letting the track use their own safety crew without proper training is a big mistake. As a team member, I'd be very wary about driving knowing the track crew knew jack s*** about the car I was driving. The IMSA safety crew needs to be reinstated, they knew how to take the car apart so the driver could be extracted safely and quickly. Also, how to shut off fuel and power. Working with the teams is crucial.
Safety is also a mayor problem, IMSA letting the track use their own safety crew without proper training is a big mistake. As a team member, I'd be very wary about driving knowing the track crew knew jack s*** about the car I was driving. The IMSA safety crew needs to be reinstated, they knew how to take the car apart so the driver could be extracted safely and quickly. Also, how to shut off fuel and power. Working with the teams is crucial.

+1 Safety should always be at the forefront of any series.
Change of pace this week. Working with my dad at the asphalt company. After one day of getting my ass kicked and going to bed at 8 last night. I can day I am looking fw to going back to school and getting a non physical labor kind of job. I like doing it part time but full time sucks. I like being outside but being a laborer is exhausting.
Man, I've been pondering putting off school til I'm financially better off (doing it without loans right now), but I know that if I take a break, that I'll likely never go back and finish.

That and it scares me what potential employers will think now that I'm pushing 27 years old and they see how long it took me to get through school. Its a lose-lose situation for me at this point I think
Man, I've been pondering putting off school til I'm financially better off (doing it without loans right now), but I know that if I take a break, that I'll likely never go back and finish.

That and it scares me what potential employers will think now that I'm pushing 27 years old and they see how long it took me to get through school. Its a lose-lose situation for me at this point I think
odds are you will financially better off with a degree than you will trying to get it later.
Man, I've been pondering putting off school til I'm financially better off (doing it without loans right now), but I know that if I take a break, that I'll likely never go back and finish.

That and it scares me what potential employers will think now that I'm pushing 27 years old and they see how long it took me to get through school. Its a lose-lose situation for me at this point I think

Does your company offer tuition reimbursement? Have you considered on line courses to finish up your degree? Just weigh all of your options and do what is the right thing for you!
Change of pace this week. Working with my dad at the asphalt company. After one day of getting my ass kicked and going to bed at 8 last night. I can day I am looking fw to going back to school and getting a non physical labor kind of job. I like doing it part time but full time sucks. I like being outside but being a laborer is exhausting.

Trust me I would like to have a job where a shower before going in is normal, as opposed to needing one immediately after leaving work!
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Racing series in the U.S. have nearly priced themselves out of business. Take NASCAR for example, it costs a primary sponsor like 10 or 15 million a year to have their decal on the hood and quarter panels. There are not too many companies willing to lay out that kind of scratch every year for a few minutes of exposure. Unless of course they sponsor a front runner. Wait that will cost 15 to 20 million. How does USCC expect to get big money sponsors for a much less popular form of motorsport when the coverage blows, the racing is less than exciting, attendance is lacking....
Someone off OMS is my guess... Clearly doesn't understand how this group works yet, but that's ok.... He'll learn