NEMOC Random BS Thread

i went up to killington for my first ever time on skis! :). it was a blast and picked it up pretty quick with no falling for the 2nd half of the day. guess i have another place to spend my money now

Reminds me of Phen and Fez at the Mitty.

Morning all. Another beautiful day planned with highs of 37F and possibility of sleet or freezing rain. Should be fun to watch the Floridians drive.
Untitled by kyle.reutenauer, on Flickr
We barely got any snow second time around .. still some left from the big one, try snowboarding next time kyle, I think its harder lol

Jeff, try and see whats around you man, you dont want to be at their mercy ... good luck.

Thinking of signing up for some moco events coming up .. hope I see some of nepoc'ers.
Morning from the frosty south. Freezing rain and temps in the mid 20's. Some of us are going ice fishing later today.

Supposed to stay the same again today and then temps are up tomorrow, mid 40's wahoo!!


bruce, that must give you such a "warm" feeling...bringing a little the cold north country to the south!! i feel for you man! not!

i'm so tired of the cold and snow.....the pot holes, stupid drivers and roads that are clogged all must all the time now....i need to get a night shift job! spring is 49 days away!
Your winter hasn't been that bad old man. Compared to Ottawa, Boston hasn't had it that bad.

Hasn't been the greatest weather down south this winter but better than being back home. I could've done without the freezing rain and sleet but the rig held up better than I thought. Will need to get some propane once things thaw out and I can move the rig.

Car hasn't moved since monday.
Whoa, who's this guy? :)

Hey everyone, glad to finally catch up and see that everyone is doing well. Just like to check in here and there and say hi, and obviously promote the climb while I'm here haha.

Waiting on Mt. Greylock officials to get back to us, but we're shooting for an early August meet. A few things have changed from last year, but I don't need to bore you all :)

Hope everyone continues to do well, and I'll stay out of the conversation about the weather haha, I'm a hockey player born and bred and I live for this weather.
Morning all. Finally warming up. Need to partially pack up the rig, so I can move it to get a propane fill.

Will be watching the SB tomorrow. Will be rooting for Seahawks as I'm not a Peyton fan, although it will probably be a bronco win.
Woot for the sunshine and warm temps! Just changed the oil on the P5 and after lunch going to take a look at the snowblower. I'm hearing rumors we could get dumped on next weekend so I'm going to try and get it running. Dragging ass though as I worked overnight last night and got about 5hrs of sleep this morning. I'm too old to be pulling all nighters. (lol2) I picked up a third job at American Eagle back in December (was going to be seasonal only so I could make up hours from the slow season at the Country Club). They decided to keep me on as a regular and the plan for now is to have me work the floorsets once a month or so, last night I folded jeans for seven hours!!! It's a little extra cash here and there, not hard and the discounts are GREAT!

Phen, company is AMEC out of the UK. I've heard a lot of rumors throughout my tenure there but when you are reading reports on Bloomberg and other sites, that's when you know there's a little more to it.
D wins games so I'm going with Seattle ! 23-17

Look how many points the Pats scored 2 weeks ago, compared to how many points the 49ers scored. Unless the 49ers have an offense that much better than the Patriots (they don't...), I feel your whole premise is flawed. I feel like the offences are comparable with different strengths, and Denver has more D than people give them credit for.
hey, you could be right, but i hate manning and the Seahawks will probably adhere to their principles. unlike many teams, they generate pressure without blitzing and use their physical defensive backs to maintain coverage as a four-man rush pressures the quarterback. their two primary defensive ends, bennett and avril, have combined for 19 sacks and 10 forced fumbles, and they love to strip the ball.....manning had 10 fumbles during the regular season! we'll see....
W I picked up a third job at American Eagle back in December (was going to be seasonal only so I could make up hours from the slow season at the Country Club). They decided to keep me on as a regular and the plan for now is to have me work the floorsets once a month or so, last night I folded jeans for seven hours!!! It's a little extra cash here and there, not hard and the discounts are GREAT!

hey now! i worked at one 4 years ago to also get a little extra money and it was also seasonal but they kept me on, but i didnt like it so i left :). sure wish i bought more clothes during that time there with that discount though!!
Mr. Bruce... Where are your southerly travels taking you? I spent the last week in Panama City, FL and had to deal with freezing rain and ice.

If you are going to be in the area around the end of Feb, I will be back there for work.