In need of your point of view on relationship crap


03 MSP Mica #369
I tried to keep this as short as I could w/out removing the necessary details, and I would like honest views of this.

My wife and I have been married for 8 years and have 3 children under 5 together. She has said throughout our marriage that she feels "disconnected" from me, but never gave me anymore than that. Always that she feels "disconnected." She just kept repeating that word over and over for years and years and yet, she never changed her thoughts or behavior.

A year ago, she befriended a man who she began to emotionally connect with very deeply shortly after our youngest was born. I have always been very trusting and never stepped on her choice of friends; men or women. This particular man came along while he was going through a divorce, and my wife was suffering from the results of a very difficult pregnancy and birth, and this surely must have contributed to her unhappy nature. I can honestly say i tried my best to be the best father, and the best husband I could during the entire marriage. I was well aware I was #3 in the emotional priority list: kids, mommy, and THEN daddy. I've read books, gone to counseling, listened for countless hours with little words spoken from my mouth, and if they were spoken they were positive ones. She did not identify with this thinking aparently...

So, early on they began to meditate together, attend Yoga classes together, go to the movies together, have dinners together, etc. So, they naturally connected over their mutual suffering. She would talk about how they would cry together. I, on the other hand was not her choice to connect with because I didn't "show my feelings like she did." I should note, that I'm not emotionally sterile; on the contrary, my male and female friends tell me I'm one of the most emotionally open guy they know. I'm just not someone who dwells in unhappiness. I'm an optimist and she is certainly a pessamist (and a very defensive one, at that).

That friendship developed into one where my wife began disrespecting me and treating me poorly in direct proportion to the time she spent with him. At that point, I told her (and him) that their relationship was hurting our marriage and our family, and that it was hurtful to me. I asked they stop seeing eachother so we could work on our marriage. Not only did it not stop, but they began to see each other even more and disrespect me even more flagrantly (sp?). She actually went to see this guy on the very same day that the marriage counselor said "the 3rd party would typically be out of the picture if you are to expect your marriage to improve." It's like she was thinking 'that goes against what I want, so the counselor must be wrong and I'll do it anyway b/c it feels good to me.'

She now says that she couldn't handle being a stay at home mother and wife anymore and that she needed her independence and an identity outside of her life, so she nurtured a friendship which would harm our marriage so that she could move out and be on her own to "find herself." I believe most anyone who is a stay-at-home would feel isolated, so I don't deny that she felt that much.

She moved out 3 months ago, the night after I told her how hurt I was by her spending time with this guy. She had gone to see him that evening...came home at 1 am. I asked her "where were you?" and she replied "I was at his place because I had some thoughts in my mind that I wanted to share with someone" in a really cold tone. I asked "why didn't you share them with me? I'm your husband!" and she replied "I don't connect with you. I connect with him" in an equally cold tone. At that point, the wedding ring came off my finger, and my fist went into a wall for the first time in my life. I felt I was done with being hurt (little did I know how much I hurt my hand though (boom03)).

We are now living apart and splitting custody of our children. She often tells me now that the reality of losing me is slapping her in the face that she never wanted to lose me, loves me deeply, and that the thought of having to split up the family tears her up. Yet, in the next breath tells me she still speaks with and sees this other guy regularly, and get's defensive when I tell her I don't want to be with her with him in the picture--cake and eat it too doesn't work here. That's step one if things were to get better between her and I: he's out of the picture completely. She also hacked into my computer login somehow and followed my online activity for several months w/out my knowlege. She went through my emails from my parents, from her Mom, from our friends, all of which spoke ill of her choices, and supported what I was trying to do for our family. She viewed all my thoughts on the matter without sensorship. She even deleted an email addressed to me which she disagreed with, so I never even saw it. She also says she has always felt she has 2 sides. One which is happy and adventurous, and another which doubts everything, feels unhappy, doesn't want to be "tied down," etc. She also feels that splitting our family in 2 will have no effect on our children at all. She says "they are happy." She doesn't feel that there is anything wrong with these polar views (and actions). It's like she doesn't see the conflict there AT ALL.

Am I knuts because I'm too deep in the policits here, or am I making sense with my feelings of her not making sense?

Am I living a pipe dream for thinking this "happy" side of her will prevail through all of this? At this point, it seems she is more willing to nurture her "dark side" than the one which is good for the marriage and our children. Otherwise, wouldn't she stop seeing this other guy, move back in, and get into some deep counseling?

I should note, the person who raised her was very selfless, and it was neither her mom, nor her dad. If she wanted oatmeal at 2 am, then oatmeal she got at 2 am. I believe this created the idea that it's my job to cater to her selfish needs, and that I only exist to be there for her when I am wanted.
don't have much advice to chalk up here. but i just want to say that i hope everything works out for the best. especially the kids.
I agree with brealmp3.. hope everything works out for your family... I have no experience in this but my gutt tells me if she is serious about keeping her family that she needs to drop this other guy completely...

God Bless...
This is a very sad story....I unfortunately do not have experience in this, but from what I have read she is a VERY selfish person. She is all out for her needs and hers alone. I know this, because us women tend to be very emotional creatures we go with what we feel at the time, and if something is amiss on the relationship we desire something more. It is very messed up....

She made her decision, she slept with this other guy...sadly she slept with him. She cheated on you. She is still seeing him too
Do you think that you deserve to be treated this way?

my heart breaks reading you deserve someone who will cater to your needs, and make you feel like the best man you can be...and be there for the kids. I know a marriage is hard to dissolve, because when you love someone that connection never goes away......yet. She wanted to be adventurous, She made her decision she has to live with the consequences.

I don't know how I could tell you how to deal with this. I'm sorry for everything:'(

Be strong.....
It's not your job to force this woman to grow up and lie in the bed she's made for herself. Adults are responsible for figuring out what they are and aren't ready for, and she was clearly not ready to be married and raise a family. She's waited until after she's made all these committments to decide she still has oats to sow. Under no circumstances should you allow this woman to remain in your life as more than the mother of your children. She may NEVER settle down. You fulfilled your obligations, you followed through with what you were supposed to do and you offered all the support a human being could offer, and she basically kicked it all to the curb for the trash collector to pick up. Take care of your kids, go on with your life and by all means, don't rush into a new relationship. Go it alone for a while and find yourself again. DO NOT put band-aids on what's left of this marriage for the sake of the children. They will survive it, I promise you. For a while, you may feel like a statistic, but time heals all wounds. You have to have a real reason to remain together, and from what I'm reading, there is no foundation. You're worthy of so much more, so first...make yourself happy, and when you've reached that point, bring someone into your life that compliments you. Best of luck to you.
in my point of view (keeping in mind i am one of those cold, sterile people, or so i've been told) she's never going to change so it's not going to work. it's no fault of your own, it just isn't gonna happen so it's time to deal with it. her saying she misses you now is just the typical wanting what she can't have, there's no real feeling behind it. f her and move on, let her be with her "emotional friend"

She made her decision, she slept with this other guy...sadly she slept with him.
He never actually said that. Did you imply this, or do you have further information somehow?

Anyway. Tallrd, move on. I hung on for far too long in a relationship that was never going to be good again. It took a long time for me to realize that it just wasn't ever going to be right, but I did, I walked away, and I'm a better person for it. It was easier, 'cause I didn't have kids with that person, but I have a kid now, and I understand what that can do to make you feel like the marriage needs to be saved. However, your marriage doesn't need to be saved. She clearly isn't willing to work/fight for this marriage, and you can't save it by yourself. Let it go, let her go, and try for custody of the kids, 'cause it doesn't sound like she's stable enough to raise 3 kids on her own.

Your kids don't need their parents to be married to each other, lots of kids do just fine with divorced parents. What they do need is stability, and if you guys are separated, and still fighting, and the future is all up in the air and undecided, that's not stability. It's hard to believe that divorce will be the best thing for your kids, but it's got to be better than the limbo you're in now. I'd also try to get them away from her as quickly as possible before she poisons their opinions of you. Anyone who would spy on your email accounts can't be trusted to play fair when it comes to the kids.

Good luck, man. I hope it (the situation, not the marriage) all works out.
Foolish is right. It takes both parties willing to do the hard work to save the marriage. One person can't fix it. If she's not willing to give up that third party totally, then chances are it won't ever get fixed and she just wants to have you as a backup-safety net. Take care of your kids (priority) and take care of yourself. Keep things as civil as possible with her, document everything, get a good attorney and keep your nose clean when you're going through all of this.

Good luck...
Dead honest truth? Take MDMA (Ecstasy) together, and you'll recombine like two pieces of velcro. Also, its a lot of fun.

Before some asshole in congress decided it was illegal, it was used as a supremely effective marital aid, and it works for that just as much today as it did when originally slated for that purpose. The emotional reattachment is long-lasting, perhaps permanent.

You can thank me later...
Dead honest truth? Take MDMA (Ecstasy) together, and you'll recombine like two pieces of velcro. Also, its a lot of fun.

Before some asshole in congress decided it was illegal, it was used as a supremely effective marital aid, and it works for that just as much today as it did when originally slated for that purpose. The emotional reattachment is long-lasting, perhaps permanent.

You can thank me later...



But on a serious tone, it WILL work. Either you will find that you are indeed made for each other, or the truth will come out one way or another towards her true feelings, and yours.

My suggestion is to take it, and relax together, perhaps throw a fuzzy blanket on the floor and dig into each other's souls. I met my soulmate this way, and we regularly "reconnect" this way.

Truth is, our innate ability to connect emotionally with people has been destroyed over time, and MDMA is one medical tool that can restore (if but for a short time) our intimate, ego-free, and extremely truthful self. So too can mushrooms or acid, or many other things, but nothing strips the ego away quite like MDMA can, and that is what is blocking both of you. You can tell because of the cold tone both of you take. Just be careful. It is an excellent meditation tool if used sparingly.

But on a serious tone, it WILL work. Either you will find that you are indeed made for each other, or the truth will come out one way or another towards her true feelings, and yours.

My suggestion is to take it, and relax together, perhaps throw a fuzzy blanket on the floor and dig into each other's souls. I met my soulmate this way, and we regularly "reconnect" this way.

Truth is, our innate ability to connect emotionally with people has been destroyed over time, and MDMA is one medical tool that can restore (if but for a short time) our intimate, ego-free, and extremely truthful self. So too can mushrooms or acid, or many other things, but nothing strips the ego away quite like MDMA can, and that is what is blocking both of you. You can tell because of the cold tone both of you take. Just be careful. It is an excellent meditation tool if used sparingly.

Call me crazy but a drug induced connection isn't exactly the best advice in any situation.
Thanks for the input everyone. As for drugs....I'm not for doing drugs, but I don't judge anyone else for doing them. They just aren't my avenue for making sense of things, or making them better.

I might be wrong, but her needs were of an emotional nature, and not sexual. I'd have almost preferred if she had sex with the guy. At least I would have had somethinig solid to use in making my next decision.

My gut's telling me that she won't be changing as long as she has her cake and can eat it too (lives on her own with my income paying for it, and still sees this other guy and me whenever she wants without having to accept concequences for sacrifice and her past actions), and there's only so much I can give to someone who seems to act in such unpredictable ways. Not to mention she's a glass-half-empty person with everything.

case in point from yesterday:

Our eldest son got the stomach flu yesterday, and I have a trip planned with just he and I about 5 hours from home to see my folks (his grandparents) later this week, so she will have our other 2 kids with her back at her place. He feels better today, so he'll be ok for the trip, but she said to me "be prepared for me to call you home in case I can't take care of the kids when they get sick." It's like she already decided they were going to be sick (and they are fine today), that she couldn't do it, and that I should cancel my first trip alone with my firstborn son to rescue her from the chores of motherhood.

I told her that if they get that sick that she needs to get them to a hospital asap and not wait for me to drive back 5 hours and dissappoint my son, my parents, and piss me off in the process.

She replied "then I'll just find someone else to help me if you can't" as if to insinuate I was somehow being unreasonable with certain-to-be-sick children.

I was thinking "WTF are you talking about?!"

Am I wrong here?
i had a similar situation happen with me and my ex-wife about a 1.5 years ago, though it seemed to happen much quicker and there were no kids envolved.

the general pattern was the same. the short version goes like this: she grew distant and didnt want to really address things, ran off with the guy for a weekend and then reappeared apologizing and wanting to work things out. i told her to leave her job or at least tell the guy off (they worked together). two weeks passed then one day she went to visit her sister, which apparently meant that she was getting a tattoo with the guy.
so i said guess what, we're divorced.

as for your situation, youre doing the right thing. i know it sucks, man do i know it sucks. but you have to keep your dignity and through what you tried to do to save the marraige and care for the kids you are doing that. it seems like you would still be willing to work on things if the simple request you made was met, but she is refusing, and thats really all there is to be said or done unless things change. if it were me, i would just ignore everything having to do with her other than that which involves the kids, just to make it abundantly clear you want nothing to do with her.
be a great dad, as im sure you are, enjoy your kids, enjoy your personal time and take up lots of hobbies. hang out with your single friends if you have them, and go to the gym for anger management.
for me, im still feeling the affects but doing better slowly, so its going to take some time for sure. but you did the right thing, man. and knowing that is probably the most important part.

you can pm me if you wanna talk more. im happy to listen. just be strong for yourself and the kids and you will be alright.
just read your post about the kids being sick.

thats f-ed up.
does the other guy see the kids ever, cuz if i were you, i would not be cool with that. shes just trying to undo every responsibility she has. you might consider getting legal on her and taking the kids yourself if possible.
I can see the mass media, D.A.R.E., and some blathering idiot from 1985 and on has clobbered common sense on the use of MDMA as a proven psycho-theraputic medication that was once commonly used in the hands of intelligent psychiatrists. Got to love our society...take away what works away from the medical world because it is also used recreationally at times.

Its not sexual, it is emotional.

Either way, via meditation, meds, or some other form of reduction, you need to find a way to get both of you stripped of your ego (and this isn't easy since it is part of our psyche...ask any psychologist), and you need to get to the core of each other's true selves. Whatever you can do to remove your shells and talk to each other as true human beings, then you should do it.

I'm sorry some of you were tainted by media hysteria that has prolifiated the mdma issue. I've just seen it work in medical uses, and I'm a believer it would help here.

Good luck either way. Soulmates aren't exactly easy to find.
The "sick" kid situation is a good one to use against her when it comes to custody of the kids. Find a way to document that. It sucks to have to be that way, but you're going to have to start collecting things to use against her in court if you're going to try to get custody of the kids. Incidentally, you need to keep in mind that getting the kids is for the sake of the kids, not for revenge, and not for your personal gratification. Their mom is pretty unstable by the sound of things, they need to get away from that.
The girl I sit beside at work literally just finished up her rather ugly divorce, and as she would attest, YOU CANNOT OVER-DOCUMENT. Keep a journal. Keep voicemails, keep emails, keep anything written down. Document comings and goings. Document phone calls. Install some spyware on your computer. All these things may very well be out of character for you, but please don't end up wishing you HAD done them when the divorce and custody battle don't go your way.

Your wife sounds like she's got a tremendous amount of maturing to do before she can handle the real responsibilities of having children and maintaining a marriage. She's also incredibly selfish. Show me ONE person who is 100% happy in a marriage. No complaints. No wishes for an alternate way of life. No fond rememberances of the past. The difference is that most people realize that there were also a lot of disadvantages to being single and alone and learn to appreciate their lives the way they are. Your wife hasn't realized that about herself yet and thus far, you and the kids are they ones paying for it. Get a lawyer and set her free.
I think you're doing the right thing. Being with her seems almost like an impossibility now. She wants no responsibilities even when it comes to her own children. All in all I'd say you've done a terrific job so far. If I were you I would request custody of the children. Not so much to take them away from their mother but to ensure that they have a stable environment. Good luck man.
Dead honest truth? Take MDMA (Ecstasy) together, and you'll recombine like two pieces of velcro. Also, its a lot of fun.

Before some asshole in congress decided it was illegal, it was used as a supremely effective marital aid, and it works for that just as much today as it did when originally slated for that purpose. The emotional reattachment is long-lasting, perhaps permanent.

You can thank me later...

WTF? This is BS if I have ever read it.

First, it is illegal.
Next, her ups and downs should not have ANY stimulant added to them.
Lastly, X does not cause everyone to get bond forever. I have seen it trash marriages.

I truely hope that it works out in the end. You should not push any issue about her getting back with you. Focus your energy on the wellbeing of your three kids and do a little research on BiPolar anxiety.

From what you have stated above she has anxiety issues which keep her from opening up about her feelings to you. The disconnect. She found someone else with depression induced anxiety and they bonded. Her ups and downs are the BiPolar kicking in. She needs to seek help. The problem is, she will be super defensive and say that nothing is wrong. She has shown all of the signs.

My sister was a manicly depressed as a child, we have very loving parents. Her depression built into BiPolar anxiety which was mistreated and mis diagnosed for years. Now she is happy, on the right meds, and moving forward.

You should definetely get a lawyer and get her in court so that the childrens needs are met, hopefully 50/50 so you don't pay child support.

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